Server keeps crashing and looks like Zen photo is reason - can any one help?

Hi Guys,

Server keeps crashing and looks like Zen photo is reason.

Recently we upgraded to 1.2.6 version, Performance is very slow. Even we upload a single gallery with maximum of 35 photos, site is crashing many times. We are using Virtual private server not shared hosting.

Our Site Link is:

Our CPU usage shows this
Top Process %CPU 77.0 httpd [] [/photos/rss.php?albumtitleShambo_Shiva_Shambo&albumnameMo]
Top Process %CPU 74.6 httpd [] [/photos/rss.php?albumtitleSet_6&albumnameMovies%2FM%2FMal]
Top Process %CPU 62.7 httpd [] [/photos/rss.php?albumnr2365&albumnameSet_4&langen_US]

Can any one help?


  • Our host is saying issue is with Zen photos SQL quries which que up. Any sugesstions? I am also trying some tips from trouble shooting .
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If our queries add that CPU usage up which we hear the first time of we need to find out more details.
    The issues you posted are all rss related. So try to remove the rss functions from your theme. files. Maybe you got too many subscribers who too frequently check for updates.

    Try also the static html cache plugin although that does not have any effect on rss.
  • We have been checking top CPU consuming processes; RSS script from zen photos is one that using more.

    We have disabled the RSS from PHP code, what is causing spike in the CPU though the RSS script has been removed from RSS page.

    Our CPU usage shows this
    Top Process %CPU 77.0 httpd [] [/photos/rss.php?albumtitleShambo_Shiva_Shambo&albumnameMo]
    Top Process %CPU 74.6 httpd [] [/photos/rss.php?albumtitleSet_6&albumnameMovies%2FM%2FMal]

    Can any one help?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You did not answer if your images are maybe very big (see the troubleshooting link). And maybe a few more details about your server in general?
  • Up to now, we are uploading 93826 images under 3800 folders in to our zenphotos. Approximately the total size of 93826 images is 11598.71 Meg

    Some sample images sizes are:

    800 * 531 pixels -- > 113 kb in size
    1130 * 750 pixels -- > 148 kb in size
    750 * 1130 pixels -- > 144 kb in size

    Our server configurations:
    Virtual private server
    Linux - CentOS 4
    1 GB ram
    Control panel is cpanel/whm

    Our Site Link is:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    How much of that memory is attached to php? Anyway, these image do not look that big.
    Do you have an awful lot of visitors then?
  • Are you still in the process of uploading these files? Until all are cached zenphoto will need to process and resize them. Also, sometimes flawed exif/iptc data causes extra processing. So first check your CGI logs for any errors reported. Then look to see if there are specific images that are not rendering. If you are not running PHP5 you should probably do so as it provides the ability to trap errors.
  • Hello acrylian and sbillard.

    These photos have been uploaded over a period of one year. We have an average of 7500 page views accessing zenphotos in a day. Our PHP version is 5.2.6
  • Hi,

    Server keeps crashing. We are using Virtual private server not shared hosting.
    We got some errors through error.log file

    [Fri Sep 04 23:58:27 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 20 seconds exceeded in /home/abcd/public_html/photos/zp-core/classes.php on line 70

    [Sat Sep 05 00:10:14 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 20 seconds exceeded in /home/abcd/public_html/photos/zp-core/classes.php on line 70

    [Sat Sep 05 00:11:19 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 20 seconds exceeded in /home/abcd/public_html/photos/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 152

    Our Site Link is:

    Any Suggestions ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Have you checked if the exif info of some images is maybe corrupt. That causes also time out errorrs.
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