
How do I use the format property of the printAlbumDate function? For example, currently the date shows as: Tue 09 Sep 2008 05:42:17 AM EDT. I want it to show as just: Tue 09 Sep 2008


  • Follow the link given on the `Date Format` option.
  • More specifically `printAlbumDate()` uses `getAlbumDate()` which uses `zpFormattedDate()` which uses the php function `strftime()`

    So use the formatting specified on this page:

    In your example it's `printAlbumDate("","","%a %d %b %G")`

    printAlbumDate DOES NOT uses the php `date()` function that you're probably familiar with which is why ` "D d M Y"` won't work.
  • You can also just change the Zenphoto date option. This will change all places dates are output, not just the album date.
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