carriage returns in description field?

I've seen a couple posts on this, but they're quite old now, so perhaps things have changed. Is there a way to force a line break (carriage return) in the Description field? I'm exporting from LightRoom and have successfully included other html (<i>, for example), but does not work. Nor does simply using a carriage return inside the field in LightRoom. Any ideas?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to check if the html tag you want to use is allowed on the option for allowed tags.
  • lol... okay... do you mean in ZP or in LightRoom? If you mean in ZP, how do I do that? If you mean in LightRoom, then yes, they are allowed since it's just exporting text.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I meant in ZP of couse, I do not know Lightroom at all. There is an option for allowed html tags on Options > General
  • excellent - thanks much! works exactly as it should!
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