It was pretty easy to add reflections.js to the Default theme. Just follow the instructions that come with it and pass the `reflect` string as the 'Class' parameter to the image functions. This made nice reflected thumbnails, but it did not work correctly with the full image--the reflection was offset left of the image. Probably a CSS issue, but I did not persue it.
For your info: add `` to the `` of any page you want the reflections to be used. Then change the function calls as follows:
You might also want to look at the nightly build. There is a new sample plugin which will allow you to select from a whole bunch of effects produced by Christian Effenberger. Even a reflect effect that worked correctly out of the box.
For your info:
add `` to the `` of any page you want the reflections to be used. Then change the function calls as follows:
thumbnails: `printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle(),'reflect');`
Images: `printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle(),'reflect');`
The author of the Simple+ theme seems to have done nothing recently on it. He does say it does not work on Zenphoto 1.1.7 which is ancient history.
<center>"title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
if (function_exists('printUserSizeImage') && isImagePhoto()) {
} else {
printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle(),"reflect rheight30 ropacity40");
if (isImagePhoto()) {