thumbnail carousel + inline image?

Hello... noob here. I'm messing around with Zenphoto to see if I can pare it down to a similar look and feel as the nicely minimal flash-based slideshowpro and had a couple of questions before I get started with the hacking.

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is horizontally scrolling thumbnails below the full-size image and caption (so you click on a thumbnail and the image appears in a layer directly above the thumbnails, not in a pop-up window). From what I can tell, the only option out there to generate the scrolling thumbnails is the jcarousel plugin, although there has been no activity from the developers for over a year so I'm wondering if it's morphed into something else.

I'm also wondering if Zenphoto can display the caption exif information under the photo. I see no options in the themes I've played with.

The site that inspired me to give Zenphoto a try is -- it basically mimics the basic layout of slideshowpro (scrolling thumbnails, main image above, caption displayed below main image). I understand it also uses Zenpage, but hopefully I can achieve what I want without having to set up yet another CMS (I've already created Joomla and Wordpress sites).


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