Hello... noob here. I'm messing around with Zenphoto to see if I can pare it down to a similar look and feel as the nicely minimal flash-based slideshowpro and had a couple of questions before I get started with the hacking.
Basically what I'm trying to achieve is horizontally scrolling thumbnails below the full-size image and caption (so you click on a thumbnail and the image appears in a layer directly above the thumbnails, not in a pop-up window). From what I can tell, the only option out there to generate the scrolling thumbnails is the jcarousel plugin, although there has been no activity from the developers for over a year so I'm wondering if it's morphed into something else.
I'm also wondering if Zenphoto can display the caption exif information under the photo. I see no options in the themes I've played with.
The site that inspired me to give Zenphoto a try is maxsher.com -- it basically mimics the basic layout of slideshowpro (scrolling thumbnails, main image above, caption displayed below main image). I understand it also uses Zenpage, but hopefully I can achieve what I want without having to set up yet another CMS (I've already created Joomla and Wordpress sites).
One remaining question, however, is about how ZP handles IPTC data. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the IPTC caption data to display below the image. Can someone point me in the right direction in the image.php file and any relevent functions? Thanks.
jCarousel actually still works fine, I had experimented with that recently, too.