paypal button on each image

Hello everybody! I have a doubt:

I'm creating my paypal buttons and I now have an individual code for each one. I need each button to appear by a especific image (each image have its own button). Is there a way to do it via this code?
"<?php printImageDesc(true); ?>"

I know this calls an image specific description so I assume it can be used to display its specific button. My question must be very simple (I'm not a developer) but I don't know wich codes or/and files must I change for this to work.
Can somebody help me?

Thank you very much for the time! :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I'm creating my paypal buttons and I now have an individual code for each one
    Not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean you have hardcoded code for each image? You can enter html in the printImageDesc() but make sure that the html tags you are using are allowed by the allowed tags admin option.

    BEtter would be to use the paypal plugin a user has made. See our plugins page on the extensions section.
  • Hello acrylian! Thanks for the answer :)

    by "individual code" I mean that when you create a paypal button you get a code to paste on the html. Its individual cause you put some specific info for that particular object you want to sell, so you get a button for each of the products on sale.

    You're right, I first tried to use the google checkout product, having some problems and I was told none of those plugins (checkout and paypal) where working correctly and the developer stopped working on them. Maybe I got it wrong, is ok to use paypal then?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I know the general principle of PayPal, although I have never used it that way. Then you have to paste the html into the desc field and make sure that the html tags you use within that are allowed.

    And yes, sorry, you are right about the paypal plugin. Its developer made the eZenphoto paypal solution which is sadly still more a hack based on the older 1.2.4 release.
  • Hi, trying to do a similar thing. Trying to add a donate button from paypal in an album description.

    When I paste the code in the HTML editor it shows correctly but then when I click save changes it disappears.

    Only just started with Zen photo, am I doing something very basic wrong?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    See my comment about the allowed tags above.
  • Where do I find a list of allowed tags?
  • I'm a littel confused about the tags too. You said it was on the admin tag option, but I don't know exactly what you mean. What kind of tags must I put in there?

  • Hey agentalibi, I found out what tags is acrylian refering to:
    YOu must go (in the admin panel) to "options" then "general" and at the bottom you have an "allowed tags" blank area where some tags are already listed there.

    Now we must just figure out what tags does our paypals button have for them to work. I'm working on it, let you know how it goes
  • Hey Juliette, I added the tags I got from revealing the code on the paypal site and got the image, but still can't get it to link properly to Paypal :(
  • Managed to make progress. The tags allowed are below:

    a => (href =>() title =>() target=>() class=>() id=>())
    abbr =>(class=>() id=>() title =>())
    acronym =>(class=>() id=>() title =>())
    b => (class=>() id=>() )
    blockquote =>(class=>() id=>() cite =>())
    br => (class=>() id=>() )
    code => (class=>() id=>() )
    em => (class=>() id=>() )
    i => (class=>() id=>() )
    strike => (class=>() id=>() )
    strong => (class=>() id=>() )
    ul => (class=>() id=>())
    ol => (class=>() id=>())
    li => (class=>() id=>())
    p => (class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h1=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h2=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h3=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h4=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h5=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    h6=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    pre=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    address=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    span=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    div=>(class=>() id=>() style=>())
    img=>(class=>() id=>() style=>() border=>() src=>() title=>() alt=>() width=>() height=>())
    form=>(action=>() method=>())
    input=>(type=>() name=>() value=>() class=>() id=>() style=>() border=>() src=>() title=>() alt=>() width=>() height=>())
  • hi agentalibi,
    it's strange you don't get link to paypal, I'm using the "buy now" button and it seems it's working fine. I just added the tags, then when to the description and used the "html" option so I could past the code and get the button. (otherwise I would get the code itself)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Glad you generally figured out what I meant.
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