I am just recovering my zenphoto installation from backup (don't ask) and it would appear that I have not copied all my amended php and css files :-(
On my original Zenphoto install I managed to include a jpg header which when clicked took my viewers back to my web site home page. I cannot for the life of me recall how I did this so I am asking for someones help. Please be gentle with me as I am only just recovering from finding out that my hosting provider didn't run any backups!!! Please try and explain in words of childlike simplicity ie put this code into this file in this place.... :-)
many thanks in anticipation of any helpdful reponse.
<div id="gallerytitle">
<img src="http://www.davidpagephotography.com/dpweb/images/headerdplogo.jpg" /> </div>
I have created a header.php file with this code:
<div id="galleryimage">
<img src="http://www.davidpagephotography.com/dpweb/images/headerdplogo.jpg" /><span> </div>
I have called this header.php file from index.php with this code:
<?php include("header.php"); ?>
So on my zenphoto gallery I now get my clickable header (headerlogo.jpg) but it is not centered. Can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me how I can scentre the jpg?????
I am using a modified dark.css and have created a div id of #galleryimage but then I can't find what to put next to center it.