sort by filename problems

I've been having a few problems sorting images in albums by filename -- the problem is basically that with my naming system ZP (1.2.6) does not actually sort by filename at all and the images are essentially in random order if I choose that option.

My naming convention is "filename-XX" where XX is a number from 01 to 99 and "filename" is the same for all images. I have tried purging the cache, refreshing metadata etc. but still no luck when selecting the sort by filename method in admin/album.

Is there a secret to naming files so ZP can sort by filename? I ended up having to sort by date, which is not perfect, but being new to ZP I can't tell if this is a bug or due to something I've overlooked. Any leads appreciated.


  • No secret. The ordering is done with a MySQL order by clause. If you select 'filename' it the query orders by that field. Sometimes, however, people get confused between filename and title. When you view an image usually what you are seeing is the title displayed.

    You can experiment by going to the image page in admin and changing the "display images by" drop-down.
  • weird... the problem has fixed itself afetr I re-uploaded the images, but previously the title and filename were the same and I had tried sorting by both to no avail. I'll chalk that up to strange db and/or browser behaviour. Thanks.
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