jcarousel - caption without image number?

I'm not sure if this is related to the jcarousel scripts I'm using or the ZP core files, but can someone point me to where I can turn off the image numbering that appears when I print the image description (aka caption) in either of them? Currently I get a number followed by the caption itself -- I don't want to see the numbers (not least becasue the first image in every album is numbered "0").


  • Zenphoto does not do any image numbering.
  • OK, I'll start crawling through the jcarousel scripts... if anyone has a lead let me know!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't know what numbering you mean either. jCarousel has several options for naviagtion, maybe you set one of those accidentally.
  • actually I realized it was a fix introduced by Alex WIlson in his JCarousel-Galleria theme last year to solve some scrolling issues. That's the theme I've based my theme on, so unless I can understand and rework his fix i'll have to start from scratch.

    Does anyone know of any other themes that use JCarousel-based scrolling thumbnails (or any other thumbnail scrolling system)? I don't think my js and php skills are good enough to build one from scratch but I can hack an existing theme into what I want.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All known themes are on our themes page. Setting up the jCarousel itself is quite easy but if you have really lot of images in your album that slows really the page down as all thumbs have to be loaded first. Unless you add some fancy image "load on request" stuff.

    We have also the paged_thumbs_nav plugin which is a pure html navigation without js and effect scrolling (see zenpage-default theme for an example).
  • Thanks... I'll check out that plugin. I have also discovered the painfully slow loading of thumbs for jcarousel so I'm now activly looking at alternatives, including the Efervescence+ theme with my own custom simpleviewer swf.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It might be possible to add some clever preloading via jQuery, so that only the requested thumbas are loaded and not all at once. Although I have no idea to do that for jCarousel actually.
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