ZenPhoto in Wordpress 3.5.x

Hello all,

Just for information:
I integrated ZenPhoto in my Wordpress website, on a test site before my real site.
Test site used ZenPhoto 1.4.5 in a Wordpress 3.5.1. Everything was ok.
So I decided to put this in production.
But I used ZenPhoto in a Wordpress 3.5.2 and my website doesn't work at all. It showed an error 500.
Reason was that in the, a new function appears: build_query() and this function is also defined in Wordpress!

It's not a big problem, I just modified the name of the function where it's defined and where it's called but it's not really user friendly.

Website can be seen here: http://www.horizons-naturels.com
(Team of wildlife photographers)



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry for your trouble, but you might understand that we consider Zenphoto a standalone CMS so we don't and can't test what happens if combined with other CMS.

    You didn't tell how you integrated it btw. The "Zenphoto as a plugin" way on our site does not work anyway for literally years and the recommended way is making themes look alike.
  • I clearly understood, don't worry! It's why I wrote "Just for information", in case someone, like me, would be facing the same issue. ;)
    I don't want you to modify anything in your great tool!

    Actually, I duplicated the default theme and modified the index.php and album.php to call the header and footer of wordpress, and made some adjustements of the css. And it works great.

    Wordpress+ZenPhoto is a very effective way for photographers like us to show our portfolio.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, good, just wanted to clarify! We actaully think that Zenphoto alone would be a good tool for photographers since we have blog etc as well :-)
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