I have just moved my gallery to a new server and I am trying to run zenphoto 1.2.6 with lighttpd. What I have found is that if I upload a new album by ftp and go to the front page, then this new album does not get a thumbnail produced for it. After I look inside the album the frontpage and thumbnails work fine.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Images are 2480 × 1622 pixels
I have over 1GB of memory free normally so I hope it is not a memory issue. Anyway the thumbnails get created if I go to the album page, just the album thumbnail (random image thumbnail) doesn't get produced.
I had a read through the troubshooting article.
To debug further I tried to put some echo/print_r statements in getAlbumThumbImage(), but they don't appear on the webpage. What's the best way to debug?
Actually the thumb should be generated for hte album from the images within if not already done. Should work the same as with the image thumbs itself.
We have some functions for debugging.
That's what I thought and why I think its strange - I was wondering whether it could be a time out issue. Something along the lines that it tries to cache all the thumbnails in the album and so runs out of time. The gallery is running on a atom-based "nettop" so it certainly isn't the most powerful of machines.
I will try and do some debugging in the next few days - thanks for telling me the functions.
May also try and experiment with tweaking php.ini any suggestions on what would help there?
Many thanks