Moving images between albums

I'm trying to build a gallery site for my girlfriend and as the albums/contents are work in progress I need some way to move images to new/other albums as the collection evolves. At this point the only way I've found is to delete an image and re-upload it into the other album. Can it be done in another way?


  • I think the best way I've found is to use FTP to move pictures around. With a direct FTP connection, you can move pictures from album to album, and also delete them, as well as add new pictures to an album or create albums.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Regardless, the FTP or shell move option doesn't keep metadata (titles/descriptions) so we'd better implement some basic file operations in ZP.

    Move, copy, rename, and delete are the ones I can think of. Delete's done already :)
  • Implementing some file operations in ZP would be really nice :O)
  • eyn Member
    I really needed the basic moving feature via admin panel before I can make the switch to zenphoto. The fact that you're losing data when moving photo makes it very hard to maintain the gallery that's subject to changes in organization.

    I believe the image moving feature become even more important once the subalbum feature are implemented,
  • I am running into this problem with a client right now. This little feature needs to be added... right now I am manually editing the database for every file I move!

    That is not zen :(

    Love the program BTW
  • trisweb Administrator
    I hear this -- I'll definitely implement it soon, in the 1.1 version with sub-albums and a new admin interface. Can you imagine reorganizing albums into sub-directories without this? Nope, me neither.

    Sorry for any inconvenience so far...
  • Hi,

    Maybe I just missed out on this great feature in the new version. But I can't find a way to move pictures from at album to a sub-album though the admin while still keeping comments and descriptions. Can anyone point me in the right direction? It could be nice to be able to move pictures from FTP, maybe stored hash values could be used to identify moved pictures.

  • The only way currently to retain metadata for images is with EXIF/IPTC tags attached to the image. This covers most of what you might want to move with the image. Software like Adobe Bridge will allow you to edit/set these fields.

    If you have done this, then the ftp move/copy will give you the functionality you are looking for.
  • But that will not recover the comments and descriptions from the Zenphoto database. Then I have to enter them manually as EXIF fields or more likely edit the database to reflect the moves?
  • You are correct, if you have already entered the comments, etc. with zenphoto you are stuck waiting for the move/copy functions. BUT, if you do enter the information into the EXIF/IPTC fields you will not have to worry about loosing your database in the future.

    I would certainly use this method for any new images.
  • any news on the moving-to-subfolders-without-losing-descriptions stuff?
  • trisweb Administrator
    I'm going to try to do them this week. Sorry for the delay, I know this is an important feature that's missing.
  • I'm eagerly awaiting the move image functionality, any news? Great gallery, very easy to use.
  • So am I, this is going to be a nice feature...
  • is this feature now integrated with 1.1.3?
  • Love the software! I have it set up with a client, but he would like the ability to move images once he sells paintings to the "past works" album. I'm pretty sure it's not a feature of 1.1.3, so do you think it would be worth holding off for now on upgrading him? Thanks!
  • This feature is still in the works, however, the developer who is working on it is quite busy right now with real life persuits and has not had time to finish the implementation.

    Holding off on upgrading will not help him get the time :)
  • affa Member
    bump for importance.
  • Tak Member
    I would love to be able to move images around without data loss. It seems like a really important feature to have in regards to maintaining a gallery.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That feature is already on our list and in the works. If you would like to put a little more pressure upon us to finish it, please vote for it on our poll on our news page..:-)
  • affa Member
    Just voted for it, grin. Looks like it's winning (and rightfully so).
  • I just dropped in and am reading this thread. Gee, never even thought about this one. I've only used FTP and copy/paste to get back the description. I vote YES for this option <LOL!> (on the poll)
  • Tak Member
    I tossed in my vote as well. :)
  • In the meantime, does anyone know a way to export info in the database into the metadata of the images? I voted for the move feature as well!
  • rnejdl Member
    I've just run into this as well where I've created a sub album since I have quite a few pictures in the main album and need to move them to the sub-album. However, the wife has posted comments and she will kill me if I lose them manually moving the files in the back end.
  • Vaisak Member
    Do you think this will be implemented soon? It would be lovely to move images around without manually editing the database!
  • PLEASE!!!! I'm scared of losing info for the 3rd time! (Okay, once was my fault.) Especially since I've created subalbums and not sure if I want to use. I've postponed any data entry until this feature for fear if I change my mind about anything, I can't start over.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All I can say is that Trisweb is on it. The best workaround is to attach the info as EXIF data to the images directly.
  • I'm using version 1.1.6 [1550] atm. Any news on the moving images to different folder inculding comments and descriptions? Is there any change to automatically copy descriptions to meta? Is it only manualcopy-paste prcocedure?
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