I had created a dynamic album, but decided later to delete it. I simply did not manage, neither in zenphoto administration nor in phpMy Admin.
The album keeps on appearing again and again, even if as "unpublished".
Trying to delete from zenphoto administration brings a message error:
`Warning: unlink(/homez.65/xxxx/www/xxx/album/albums/xxx/À identifier To identify.alb) [function.unlink]: Is a directory in /homez.65/xxx/www/xxx/album/zp-core/class-album.php on line 910`
`Warning: unlink(/homez.65/xxxx/www/xxx/album/albums/xxx/À identifier To identify.alb) [function.unlink]: Is a directory in /homez.65/xxx/www/xxx/album/zp-core/class-album.php on line 902`
`Warning: rmdir(/homez.65/xxx/www/xxx/albums/xxx/) [function.rmdir]: Directory not empty in /homez.65/xxx/www/xxx/album/zp-core/class-album.php on line 912`
`Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homez.65/XXX/www/XXXX/album/zp-core/class-album.php:910) in /homez.65/XXXX/www/xxxx/album/zp-core/admin-edit.php on line 324`
Thank you in advance for your reply !
To delete an album, go to the albums tab and click the red x (far right) for the album you want to get rid of.
I'm not sure what you are getting the error messages above but it looks like there may be permissions issues or some other reason why the .alb file can't be deleted.
The other way to get rid of the album would be to manually delete the related .alb file.
The FTP option solved the problem.
Thanks a lot !