flvplayer: howto for dummies...

it seems that i am one of these dummies...
i can't get it working.

my settings on 1.2.6:
1. /private_fotos instead of /zenphoto (changed it in .htaccess as well)
2. same filename for video and thumbnail (e.g. name.flv and name.jpg), both in the same album
3. flvplayer-plugin is the only plugin activated (flv player version 3 selected)
4. copied player3.swf and pasted it as "flvplayer.swf" in /private_fotos/zp-core/plugins/flvplayer (i don't know wheather this is necessary or not)

i can see the thumbnails on the web and in admin area. however, if i click on a thumbnail, i'll get it displayed with following link: http://server.de/private_fotos/albumname/name.jpg.php?z&p=full-image

what do i do wrong?

br, juergen


  • Your thumbnail link is pointinting to the raw image rather than the image page where the player would be activates. Presumably you have a custom theme. Give one of the distributed themes a try and see if it works.
  • Active theme is the default one.
    Selection of other themes coming with the standard installation does not change anything.
    Any other idea?
  • You can turn off full image protection. Also be sure that the class-video plugin is enable.
  • Done, I've turned off full image protection and enabled the class-video plugin.
    Now, http://server.de/private_fotos/albumname/name.flv.php doesn't show any media content (pic or video).
    However, "normal" pics are being displayed in http://server.de/private_fotos/albumname/imagename.JPG.php.
  • Then check to be sure you have the proper Flash versions installed on your browser.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    And of course the flash player itself enabled. Also make sure that flowplayer supports your movie files.
  • Enabled plugins: flvplayer, class-video.
    Installed flash player: Adobe Flash Player 10
    When displaying name.flv.php, right mouse click on flash player displays: "video not loaded".
  • ok, switched from flvplayer to flowplayer3.
    now it works. Thanks for your support.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If an .flv is played is dependend on the actual encoding of it. .flv is actually a container and not a real format. Sometimes these players are a little picky on details.
  • I'm having the same problem as the OP. I did not do #4 he mentioned, but I don't think that's needed, right?

    I've tried flowplayer, and I've tried class-video
    I've tried .mp4 and I've tried .flv
    I've tried custom themes and the default theme
    Whenever I upload a thumb with the same name as the video, the thumb image is recognized as a regular image - no video. It's like the video is being totally ignored.
    I've searched all over the forums but can't find the very basics about how this is supposed to work. Some simple questions:

    - It's implied that you can only have video in an album named "video", or that you can't have a mix of video and images in a single folder. Is this true? That would seem kind of odd (and I would assume it's not the case). Anyway, I tried this, and no luck.
    - Does anyone have an album with video working so I can at least see how this is supposed to work/look?
    - Is there a list of steps that you have to do? or some kind of comprehensive checklist to get video working? As usual, my guess is there is some small setting somewhere that I haven't noticed, and everyone just assumes "oh well, of course you have to do that... duh"

    Any advice would be appreciated... The video I'm trying to get working is here:
    The first image ought to be a video/thumbnail, but it just loads like a regular image. Right now, the page is in the cimi theme, and I understand this theme might not support video, but I've had the same result in the default theme.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    - You can have mixed albums of everything, flv, mp4, mp3 and images.
    - Take a look here: http://zenpage-demo.maltem.de/album1/ (last image is a the video)

    You have to either enable flowplayer or flvplayer AND the video-class plugin. The first are the actualy players and the latter adds support for video in general. You do not have enabled the second.

    We will add a note to the player plugins to make this more clear.
  • Thanks, that was it... I still wasn't able to get the video to play, but the player did come up, so that's better. Anyway, video isn't a priority for me... just something I want to work on some time. fwiw, the Cimi theme doesn't support video (as I suspected). I really appreciate the reply! (actually, to all my recent questions). I'm pretty happy with the way this is all taking shape!
  • Joe Member
    I have been able to get the flowplayer working without any problem, but cannot get jwplayer to work. The "where to put" directions have a different directory location from the other plugins, i.e. under zp-core. http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/plugins/_zp-extensions---flvplayer.php.html and it shows two subdirectories /flvplayer/flvplayer. I have tried putting the 4.5 player and swfobject where these instructions indicate and also under plugins/flvplayer Which is correct? I wanted to try jwplayer with pseudo-stream. I am using the Zenpage-default theme. It keeps saying to activate the player and the class-video and flvplayer are both enabled.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    While the actual plugin is within `www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/zp-core/extensions` the files should go straight into www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/plugins/flvplayer`.
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