Zenphoto multilingual with url

I have a bilingual website with Wordpress and a multilingual plugin:

http://www.mywebsite.com/ >ENGLISH
http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/ >FRENCH

I have activated multilingual functionality of Zenphoto. My installation of Zenphoto is in the "photos" directory. Is it possible to switch between the languages only with url like the following example ?

http://www.mywebsite.com/photos/ >ENGLISH
http://www.mywebsite.com/fr/photos/ >FRENCH

Thank you by advance for your advices


  • Please search this forum for discussions similar to this topic. There have been suggestions, but I have not seen confirmation that they have been successful.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We had just recently someone who did this.
  • Thanks for your answers, but I don't find the discussion about that...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not exactly what you asked but well but you will have to do some work yourself in any case as Zenphoto.
  • Ok so the only way to do it is to have the lang as a parameter in the url and not like I would like to do it ?

    What about the SEO with the original system of multilingual include in zenphoto ?
  • You never did explain why you need a separate URL for the language versions. Zenphoto will work quite well in the browser perfered language of your viewer so long as there is a translation for it. Just set your language to `HTTP Accept language`.

    All your database fields can be defined in multiple languages--set the multilingual option.

    That leaves only static text you want on your pages. You can test the current language and emit the appropriate version based of that, so that should take care of all your needs. If it does not you have no choice but to follow the path described by the thread acrylian has provided.

    I do not understand you last question. `What about the SEO with the original system of multilingual include in zenphoto ?` Zenphoto does not need/use URI parameters to deal with the languages. They are either fixed by the admin, automatically selected based on the browser preferences, or manually selected by the user (using the dynamic locale plugin.)
  • bluemi Member
    I'm actually just searching for the same thing. Zenphoto's multilingual abilities are great but what if you are using a Zenphoto integration into an own design? You can't run the French gallery with your navigation from the English site... I guess this is what NicoD has asked...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto integration into an own design
    Well, Znephoto is fully multilingual so even menu entries are. Of course we can't know how you use it with what.

    Anyway, the coming 1.3 will have a plugin for switching languages via url.
  • bluemi Member
    Thanks, acrylian. I assume that's what I mean...hopefully. I'm not great with php/javascript but let's say I have built a template for my English version which follows the design of my website. So I have created the template's index.php, album.php. image.php, etc., naturally with the navigation of my English site, taking people to the other - non-gallery - pages on my website. Now I need to integrate the same gallery into my French language version, and this is where the trouble (for me) starts. I can't use the same index, album, image etc, files because they have the wrong (English) navigation. Set up a second template set? How? This is where I fail...and I don't really want to have two installations of Zenphoto.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If you use Zenphoto items only (albums, images, pages, news) correctly they would reflect the language setting if you filled in titles for each language.
    If you use a hard coded menu that of course does not work you still could switch depending on the language set. But of course that will require some php knowledge as of Zenphoto and probably whatever you use for the other site.
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