Zenphoto version : 1.2.6 / Encoding : unicode UTF-8 / Website language : French
Accentuated letters are well encoded in all files except the words treated in the variable "%1$s" in the following code of search.php : " echo '<p>'.sprintf(gettext('Total matches for
%1$s: %2$u'), $searchwords, $total).'</p>'; "
Illustration : when looking for my archives, I click on the hyperlink "décembre 2008", where the "é" of "décembre" is ok. The file "
http://www.my_website.ch/zenphoto/page/search/archive/2008-12" is uploaded. There the "é" of "décembre" is no more encoded, the file returns "Total des résultats pour
décembre 2008 : 9".
What should I change to encode the variable "%1$s" ?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Nonetheless, I saw in the Table Albums that words are not encoded (`é` is `é`) in the row "title", while words are HTML encoded (`é` is `é`) in the row "desc". This is probably the reason for which the search of words with accentuated caracters matchs with words resulting from title of Albums, while words resulting from description of Albums are not found. What it the solution ?
Regarding my problem when looking for my archives : I saw that dates are written in figures in the Tables. Does it mean that the function which converts dates in letters doesn't encode in UTF-8 when zenphoto/page/search/archive/2008-1w is uploaded ? What can I do ?
Thank you for your help.
I have no idea what you mean by "dates written as figures".
I mean that in the table dates format is for example 2008-02-27 (instead of caracters : 27 février 2008).