I am using the random image function to display random images on the index.php of my zen photo gallery. I would like to also display the image caption.
I would like to place it:
(1) as the image description in the image tag.
(2) as a separate caption elsewhere on the page.
Is this possible, and if so how? Can anyone give me the code snippet? Below is the code I have on my index.php page
Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks.
<?php $randomImage = getRandomImages(); echo '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars(getURL($randomImage)).'" title="'.gettext('put image description here').'">

getSizedImage(getOption('image_size')) ).'" alt=."'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).'" />';?>
Getting the title doesn't seem to be a problem so thats all good - but I am having a problem getting the description. I have been attempting to use `getImageDesc()` but it throws an error.
The following code snippet returns the title fine,
'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).'
`But, using getImageDesc() throws an error.
'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getImageDesc(), ENT_QUOTES).'
`I am obviously doing something wrong, any ideas?
Sorry my php skills leave a little to be desired, but your help is genuinely appreciated.
To print the caption or title of an image placed using the random image function use
`getTitle()` and `getDesc()` an example of how to use this is:
`<?php $randomImage = getRandomImages(); echo '<img src="'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getSizedImage(getOption('image_size')) ).'" alt=."'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).'" />';?>`
'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).'
which outputs the title
'.htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getDesc(), ENT_QUOTES).'
which outputs the description
The latter examples place the text within `` tags which is what i wanted, but you can edit that if you want.
On a point of info: someone might want to update the User Guide: `getDesc()` does not exist since its name is listed as `getImageDesc()`
You are wrong actually (beside the doc is generated automatically from the files directly). `getImageDesc()` is a template function depending on the image context: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/functions/_template-functions.php.html#functiongetImageDesc
`getDesc()` is a direct image class method and needs to be used on the image object.