Is there a way I can change the portion of the image which is shown in thumbnails by default?
I have the thumbnails the right size and everything, but let's say the image is 5120x1024, the thumbnail will only be taken from half of that by default, so I am having to go into the manual crop options for the images and drag it to fill the whole image.
I have Thumb Size set to 341 and then Crop Height and Crop Width set to 341 and 69, because I want the thumbnails to be 341x69 in the end. Is there something I'm not understanding?
On line 2705, you can assign values to the cropx and cropy, like this:
$cropx=1, $cropy=1,
I believe the absolute top-left of the photo is 0 and 0 but I wasn't sure and the numbers 1 and 1 seem to do the job. Because I wanted the top portion of my photos to show since they're mostly headshots.
Here is a page that explains the X and Y axis:
There are other values on that line 2705, but you'd have to research what they do.
($size, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $cropw=NULL, $croph=NULL, $cropx=1, $cropy=1, $thumbStandin=false, $gray=false)
So there are a lot of variables to work with, there.