Can't get printCommentForm to work with news.php


I have a weird problem: I can't get the printCommentForm to display the comment function on news.php (the news pages). The <?php printCommentForm(); ?> are there from before, but it doesn't show anything with the code doubled either. <?php printContactForm(); ?> works fine though in its place. What could the problem be? I think that I have renamed the news.php to another name have something to do with it.


  • For other that have the same problem:

    You have to rename news.php in comment_form.php:

    case 'tekster.php':
    if (!getOption('comment_form_articles')) return;
    $comments_open = zenpageOpenedForComments();
    $formname = '/comment_form.php';
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So you found another part where the news.php and pages.php page is hardcoded? Could you do us a favour and open a ticket for this and note all occurances of this you have found and maybe will find?
  • Yes I will. The least I can do for both all your help and this great program!
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