Maybe it's related, but my content is not erased. It just does not appear on the site. It's still all there, it's just not written to the page-- an empty div I think. I also have more than two languages enabled, although I'm only writing in two of them. I'm using an outdated version of some of them though. I am also able to save content in only English.
Do I need to move this to github now that I have narrowed the problem down?
I would say join on that ticket for now. I will try to reproduce this. Did you also check if your server really has all the locales you are using? SInce that is tied to the PHP on the server it can cause trouble trying to use Spanisch if the locale is not there. FOr example my server has only German and English so French does not work at all.
I'm not sure what you mean by "join on that ticket" but I'm guessing you mean wait while you try to reproduce it.
I'm not sure how to check whether my server has the locales, but Spanish and French do definitely work for me, since the GUI language changes and the inputted text changes.
I mean we should just use that ticket for your issue as well.
Ok, if French and Spanish do work that is a good sign. Regarding checking the locales I did link a script earlier.
I just tried with all languages available and a random text. All seems to work as expected (except that hte language switch for some reason annoyingly switches to index on each change.)
So I tested the html in the content field of a Zenpage page with and without TinyMCE and with all possible lanaguages enabled. I did test locally and sorry to say all worked for me... I have no idea what could be causing this then.
OK, well thanks for all your work. I'll maybe upgrade to 1.4.5 sometime when I get time and see if that does anything (assuming that the multiple language problem mentioned in the github location you mentioned only applies to the dev version)
Do I need to move this to github now that I have narrowed the problem down?
I'm not sure how to check whether my server has the locales, but Spanish and French do definitely work for me, since the GUI language changes and the inputted text changes.
Ok, if French and Spanish do work that is a good sign. Regarding checking the locales I did link a script earlier.
I just tried with all languages available and a random text. All seems to work as expected (except that hte language switch for some reason annoyingly switches to index on each change.)
The image will not show up if you have the same problem as me.
It looks like English and Spanish are supported.
So I tested the html in the content field of a Zenpage page with and without TinyMCE and with all possible lanaguages enabled. I did test locally and sorry to say all worked for me... I have no idea what could be causing this then.