MySQL Error: Could not select the database youngmar_ymmaevents- pls help me

Can you help me, if i forgot something on my installation. My website is (website is not yet finish), I want to put the gallery page here

I follow the installation guidelines.
1. download and install the zen photo
2. edit zp-config.php.example file, create database and rename it to zp-config.php
3. upload the zen photo folder, I upload it inside the /www
the index.php is on www/zenphoto/index.php
the setup.php and zp-config.php is on www/zenphoto/zen
Is it ok if i upload the zen folder inside the /www?

////////// zenPHOTO Configuration Variables //////////////////////////////
// After you're done editing this file, load
// -----What will I gonna put on this?
// to run the setup (of course, replacing the paths where needed).
// NOTE: web_path and server_path are no longer needed! If you're having problems
// with the auto-detected paths, you can override them at the bottom of this file.

And when I visit
it said MySQL Error: Could not select the database youngmar_ymmaevents
zenphoto setup.

Does the path is right? Or I will put the gallery.html page before /zenphoto/zen/setup.php?

Please help me,

Thank you in advance



  • Additional
    When I visit

    It said
    MySQL Error: Could not select the database youngmar_ymmaevents

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/youngmar/public_html/zenphoto/zen/functions-db.php:24) in /home/youngmar/public_html/zenphoto/index.php on line

  • From what it looks like, your database configuration is incorrect. Go back and edit your zp-config.php file and make sure that you put the correct database information.

    • Make sure that
    `$conf['mysql_user'] = "username";`
    has the name of your mysql user instead of username

    • Make sure that
    `$conf['mysql_pass'] = "password";`
    has the password of your mysql user instead of password

    • If you're using DreamHost make sure that you change
    `$conf['mysql_host'] = "localhost";`
    to be
    `$conf['mysql_host'] = "";`
    where has your database name then a period, then your site name, then .com at the end.

    • Make sure that
    `$conf['mysql_database'] = "database_name";`
    has the name of your mysql database (not table name) instead of database_name
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