IIS and Cookies not being stored

I'm helping a friend set up ZP .9 on his ISS shared server.

We fixed problems with the webpath not being defined correctly, but there's a different problem. For some reasons cookies aren't being stored, at all. Not for comment, not the admin cookie.

I gather as much that the login process is this: 1. write admin cookie upon successful login, 2. reload admin page.

However, since the cookie is not written, the admin will never be logged in.

I have NO idea why the cookie is not being written. Any help is appreciated.


  • trisweb Administrator
    Do you have a browser where you can view cookies (firefox can) - find it and see if you can find the contents. I have a feeling it's there but it's not being matched correctly...
  • Hi, I'm the one Joen is helping. We did look for the cookies (we both use Firefox) and there weren't any there, even after trying to login several times.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Alright, well, I'll set up an IIS server on my local system and see if I can reproduce it. When that happens I don't know, but until then..... don't know what to tell you. Find an apache server? ;-)
  • Thanks, Tristan, for your responses.

    I already told Adam to go grab an Apache, but unfortunately this is not an option.

    The scary part is, even in it's current crippled state (without an admin), ZP is STILL the best option for him :)
  • So was a solution not found for the cookie issue in IIS? Are there others running IIS with this product correctly, I have no interest in Apache.
  • Installed and working on IIS several times, the only thing that doesnt work for me is comment notifications via email.. other than that.. 0 problems.

    That has been working for a while now anyways.. that was an old post you revived..
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