The subject line says it - is it possible to somehow make a specific new item "sticky" so that it will always show up at the top of the list (aside from setting the date far in the future or something cheesy like that)?
In searching the forums, I did find
this post, from someone who seemed to be trying to do something similar, but the suggestion given there, of calling a particular post or page from within the template, seems unlikely to work well, since that would put it on
every news page, wouldn't it? The client I'm creating this site for does want a welcome message to be the first thing that shows on the news page, but if someone clicks the "read more" link on a news story, obviously we don't want the welcome post showing up on individual news story pages as well!
Maybe even with the template method there might be a way to call the content of one page or post, but have it only show up on the main news page and not on individual stories? Unfortunately, all the links to ZenPage tutorials in the other forum post appear to be broken. :-(
What you want to do is possible but you will have to modify your theme. You can call any news article or page by using the Zenpage class methods directly anywhere you want.
If you only want it on the next_news loop you have to place it within that loop (otherwise it will appear on the single article page as well) and check for the current page number if it should only appear on the first page for example. Info on these class methods on our documentation.
Probably you don't want the article to appear in the loop itself so you need to set it to unpublished (of course it will then not apperar in the rss or elsewhere — pages do not appear in the rss anyway)