Hello all, just posting to get a little bit of feedback.. now that I have the layout almost finished I figured I would look for some feedback/ideas about the theme while I am creating it.
The idea behind the theme is a photo blog. Not sure how in the end how it is all gonna work but I am gonna give it a shot.. Other than some stuff that doesnt look right in IE(what else is new) and some of the stuff is actually hard coded(as opposed to dynamic text).. any ideas, thoughts, suggestions..
Any thoughts are appreciated.
• Put a space between the date and the month name and the year
• Maybe have a little bit of a bigger margin on the right side of the thumbnail so the album/image description isn't so close -- maybe make it the same as on the left side.
Other than that, it looks great. I love the colors that you've chosen, too.
Other things I plan on doing is adding some scriptaculious image effects/dropdowns. Dropping in some EXIF on the image page, getting navigation on the image page finished and adding like some cutesy stuff like technorati, and delicious plugs on it
Funny you mention the colors. That was one thing I was unsure I liked about it. I am thinking I may release it with multiple text colors.
another odd thing.. Tris.. with your adsense.. you should do configure your competitive filters, on the top of this while I am writing this is an add for googles picasa and also there are occasionally other online photoalbum services that show up on the adds on this site...
Other than that, I like it! its clean and simple. I like the choice of magenta text, smooth.