In my application with ZenPhoto, I have a problem. In galleries, two images are lost. Have tried to solve the normalizeColumns but not sure if the problem is this. Could anyone help me?
Two Examples
http://msonnen.com/v2/portifolio/arquiteturaIt should show 21 pictures, but shows only 19
http://msonnen.com/v2/portifolio/arquiteturashould show 32 pictures, but shows only 30
Both your links are the same, by the way.
Anyway, from the looks of your site the normalize columns parameters should be <sometning>, 5. (If you are using the same size for album thumbs the parameters would be 5,5.
Which images are missing? That might provide a clue to what is wrong.
I'm using a large thumb on the left, which should show the thumb of the album.
It turns out the gallery on the right is counting on the presence of the thumb, and takes a picture.
Now, how can I fix this?
I did this thumb as follows:
<?php while (next_image(false, $firstPageImages)): ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php getBareAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(), NULL, 233, 159,233, 159); ?><?php break; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Is it correct? Is there another way to do this?
To get the album thumnail there are other functions available. Please see the documentation for "albumthumb" functions:
The problem is that the image appears in the main album:
What understand is that this next_images makes content disappear when the albums are displayed ...
Any way to fix this?
Again, the next_image loop is to be used to display the thumnails of the images within an album and to be used once per page. if you use it twice the loop gets confused. If you want to show also the album thumb of the current album you are in use the album thumb functions.
A while next_image, has a working interest. Everything happens in the same file album.php. When the albums are shown, it hides the gallery and when the gallery is shown, it hides the album.
That's why I put the thumb in while, so it does not was shown on page albums, just in the galleries.
The problem is that I do not know how to solve it. Not found no javascript script that does this, I think it is right in function next_image.
Can you help?
As said the next_image loop is not to be used for this. If you don't want the album thumb to be shown you have to use the album thumb function and put in a check if you are in a toplevel album, either by the album name directly or with the partent album function (please search the doc for that).