Multilingual tags ?


Is it possible to manage multilingual tags in the same way like the image title, description, etc... ?

Thank you by advance.


  • No, as each tag is singular and unique. There is only one descripton, etc. But you may have as many tags as you wish to assign.

    Just add a several tags one in each language you wish to support.
  • Ok thanks for your answer. I will add tags for each language per picture.
  • flu Member
    Anyway, imho, it would be great to see that feature in ZP...
  • Not going to happen. The way multi-lingual fields are stored is not compatible with searching for tags. Anyway, what would the advantage be anyway?
  • flu Member
    In fact, as time passing by, adding tags for each language per picture becomes quite heavy as soon as you have many tags and many pictures in the admin section. Besides, visiting your website, people see tags that they can't use because they don't understand them language.
    That's why, imho it would have been great to get this feature in zp, in the smart way the multi-lingual fields are.

    More, a kind of "super-tag" feature would be intersting to me, a sort of category for tags always used for every item in a gallery. For example, in a photo gallery, a photo would be a part of a category named "color photography" or "black-and-white photography".

    Just some ideas, maybe not that relevant.
    Thank you for ZP anyway.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I somehow see the sense behind the multilingual tags idea actually. If I have my site set to German it does not really makes sense to show tags in English, right?

    A quick idea to stay compatible to our search engine with maybe saving a lot of work: We could add an extra db field to the tags table so you can attach any tag to a specific language. This could be done with a dropdown box maybe on the tags admin page. So we would have on that table <id><tag><language locale> then we could quite easily sort out the display (and the search) depending on the selected language.

    An "album" is the Zenphoto equivalent to a "category". Categories and tags are two very different things IMO.
  • flu Member
    Yep! That's it for the multilingual tags!

    About the category, the way I would need it is maybe too specific but your post gave me the idea to replace my "category" stuffs by simple dynamic albums as soon as a picture can belong to a "real" album and to several different dynamic albums.
    So in my admin back office, I just would need some simple check boxes (like the way the tags are displayed)... Yeah ! Thank you !
  • `as soon as a picture can belong to a "real" album and to several different dynamic albums.` That has always been the case.
  • flu Member
    Yes Stephen, I know (and I use it). I didn't mean that.
    Sorry for my english.
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