Dear all,
I am thinking of using Zenphoto for my website, which has over 300 artists, with galleries and subgalleries.
I can't find an example of a huge gallery in the demo pages, does anyone know of a good example?
I am also assuming it's possible to have subgalleries?
Can you also reorder the images manually?
Appreciate any help!
With "demo pages" you mean the showcase? Anyway, Zenphoto is filesystem based. Please read:
This is a quite large site done (mostly) with Zenphoto:
Of course you can have subalbums and order the images manually. Please see the (slighly older) screencast and the screenshots. And best try it yourself!
I'm not sure really what you mean with "filesystem based". Where can i read about this?
In short Zenphoto adds what it finds on the filesystem (the albums folder) and also removes what it does not find anymore.
Of course we naturally can't guarantee anything.
Total Photos: 1,23,341
This site is running under shared hosting plan.
The same account i have running another ZenPhoto installation too, which is with 25,000 photos. Apart from this two sites i have running another 2 WordPress installation with this same account,
I'm using static html cache plugin and i got small issue with this plugin, because it is not deleting expired cached files. i have created small cron job, which is deleting expired files. now everything is working fine.
Approximately 3,000 visits per day for gallery and ~600 users for spicy.
Rare case my site get 501 error, which is related to my account CPU/RAM, concurrent user limitations.
Another sample, which is also running with more than 1, 00, 000 photos. This site is showcased in zenphoto site.
I'm using feedburner for gallery site, recently, i face database connectivity error, can you check here But same settings working fine here and
Currently zenphoto is not deleting expired files, instead it re-creating when it is called. For my case i'm getting memory issue, because of it's size.
Note: this is not an issue for small sites.
Probably I don't understand the issue completly. The cache actually should recreate new versions of the cached pages if they are outdated. That is the sense of it. So you actually would need it first to delete them and then have them recreated?
I have one doubt, if robots/search engine accessing site, what happen?, is the cache created? or it just dive dynamic page.
I'm using feedburner for gallery site, recently, i'm always getting database connectivity error, can you check here
Feedburner is for RSS feeds, right? I never used such tools. Our rss feeds are actually outside the normal theme pages.
However, the nightly build has now also separate rss file caching that works like the html static cache except that it generates an .xml file. It can be disabled on the rss options.
Let me try, the new feed cache.