Theme with header, left sidebar and footer?

Dear all,
I've just installed Zenphoto and am looking for a theme with a header, left sidebar and footer where i can add my "ordinary" navigation, since i'm trying to fit the gallery into an existing look... the ones I find say "not compatible", i.e they are too old i guess, like this one:
My question is, where can i find an up to date theme with these 3 requirements?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All known themes are on our themes page. If they don't match what you are looking for you will have to do some work yourself or find someone to do it for you.
  • Thanks for taking the time to replying. I was not clear enough, the question is really if i can use a theme that says "not compatible"? Or will i encounter problems? (I guess you've just upgraded the software, or something, because a lot of the themes says that.)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    "Not compatible" are just that because they have not been updated by their authors for a long time (some are from 2007 and Zenphoto did change in parts). We did a test a few months ago and marked the ones that do not work correctly. Also "generally compatible" theme might not work as expected.

    We only support and maintain the five included themes officially. We don't have the resources to do the same with third party contributions (themes or otherwise).
  • I tried using an "embed-o-rator" i found, for another gallery, Gallery2... but it did not work for Zen. Any idea if this sort of thing could work?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't know anything about any "embed-o-rator". Anyway, if you want to adapte/use third party tools with Zenphoto you will have to do some work yourself. See the theming tutorial and the functions guide.
  • If I were able to do the work myself, i promise you i would. :-) I don't know any php, and that's why i'm sitting here scratching my head wondering if i should sign up for a php programming course or something. That's why i'm searching for a "tool" or plugin to help me out. :-)
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