tags and descriptions lost


i have lost all tags and descriptions suddenly on my zen gallery :

- http://www.1914-1918.fr/miroir/1914/aout-septembre/Miroir-1914-num-41-06_09_14-3-c.jpg1914-1918

For all sub-album aout-sept 1914 (that is the first i have began).

When i make a backup of the datable nothing change.

If i go to myphp the database is present.

Thanks for help.

F. Vergne


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So did you do an upgrade and maybe changed the database credentials by accidenetally overwriting the config file? if you set for example another database prefix accidentally or use another database these would appear. Otherwise here is no way the can suddenly dissapear.

    Another way would be that you hit the "refresh metadata" button. If the images have descriptions embedded via EXIF or an empty space that would overwrite what you added manually.
  • Hello,

    thanks for answer.

    Here there a possibility to restore tags and descriptions as they are present in database ?


    F. Vergne
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You need to check if your Zenphoto installation actually uses the database in question respectively the right tables if you accidentally used another table prefix.
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