Zenphoto can't apply groups

Hi, recently I upgraded my zenphoto installation from version to Now when I go to the tab "groups" and press the apply button I get always (even without changes) the message:” Error The form submission is incomplete. Perhaps the form size exceeds configured server or browser limits.” I tried it with chrome and Firefox 19. Does someone have an explanation for this behavior?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually the error says it exactly. The data the form wants to post exceeds the POST limit of the server. Quick ideas: You could try to remove unnedded groups or ask your host if they can raise the limit.
  • I have only 8 groups and the error didn't came up before. Could it be problem that zenphoto has a problem?
  • I found this entry in my php.ini:
    post_max_size 60M 60M
    60MB should be enough, or?
  • One would expect that 60M would be enough. Of course there is no guarantee that you did get that much. PHP may say it wants that size, but browsers and servers can override.

    You get that error when the marker filed for the end of the post is missing from the posted data. So somewhere the data is being truncated or that field is being maliciously removed.

    There are no changes from ZP to that impact the size of the posting, so I suspect that there is a change somewhere else.

    But anyway, why don't you simply change the number of users displayed on the page and see it that fixes the problem? There is an general option for these controls because of just the problem you are having.
  • Thanks for your reply. However, I have the problem when I apply settings on the group tab and not user tab. I have only 5 groups and 2 templates. It worked before and then I did the upgrade to I can't rember which version I had before, I think my last update was more in the beginning of this year. Any suggestion to troubleshut the problem?
  • I don't find anything in the error log.
  • Today I tried in the tab "assignments" to assign a user to a group. After pressing "apply" I got the message: "saved", however the group assigment is not done. Cpuld it be a bug in zenphoto?


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    I can confirm this behavior.

    Assigning a user to a group under the "user" tab works and the settings are reflected under the "assignments" tab.

    Assigning a user to a group under the "assignments" tab does not save.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please open a ticket then.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    @Noppes, it seems to be fixed.
    Please try the support build.
  • Hi, the group assigment is fixed - Thanks for your fast help! However, I still can't edit the groups - I still get the submission form incomplete error.
  • And you will continue to get that error until you either increase the size of what may be submitted or reduce the content needing to be submitted. Just so you know, this is not a Zenphoto issue, Zenphoto is telling you that your site cannot handle the posting.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Is there room to improve our form size there? Pagination of groups maybe?
  • Well, if you will re-read the post or maybe just try things you would know that the form is paginated by the number of users to display.
    But anyway, why don't you simply change the number of users displayed on the page and see it that fixes the problem? There is an general option for these controls because of just the problem you are having.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, missed the pagination part (never used user groups actually).
  • On the page are only 7 groups, so that shouldn't be too much. It worked on my older Zenphoto installation and since the updgrade it don't work anymore.
    I don' know why the number of user play a role, because they are only 7 groups displayed? Where can I change the number of user that are displayed in the assigment or user tab?
  • The option is on the general tab, "users per page". It applies to anything displayed on the Users tab which includes the groups subtab.

    BTW, you really do not know that this worked before, all you know is that there was no report of the truncation of the data. Before maybe it was truncated without being detected.
  • Ok, I changed it to 5 user, but still the same problem. I believe that it worked before, because I could give groups certain rights and I could assign user to certains groups. So I know that the function worked before and now I can't change any group right, I can't assign albums to certains groups etc.
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