Ok, so I'm having an issue. I recently upgraded from 1.2.6 release to the svn (1.2.6 [4504]). Performed the setup.php for the upgrade of the database like it says and almost everything is working flawlessly. I did however notice one issue. The full image link, if set to protected, just returns to the index page, it doesn't produce the image.
If I set it to unprotected or download, it processes fine. I've tried clearing caches, and using protected with cache full image both checked and un-checked.
Did some perusing through the forums and not seeing anyone else posting about the issue. I think I've exhausted about every option, barring a complete fresh install of the gallery.
Any suggestions besides fresh install? I'd like to keep the tags/descriptions I have, though if I must try a fresh install I will.
It happens on all themes I've tried, my theme, example theme, default theme.
This will be fixed in the nightly tonight.
This does pose a slight problem/bug though. My whole intent for the protected viewing was to avoid hotlinking. I suppose I could just create a fully transparent watermark to get around the issue, but the problem itself is still there.
U: tester
P: tester21!!
I did have a question though after this. If I set protected view and check "disable hotlinking" then click the view full size image... it shows the image, but it shows the full URL direct to the image. Shouldn't it be showing the protected image url? And since it's not, the protected/disable hot-linking really isn't functioning as intended.
If I link the "view image" link it'll break, but if I click the view image link, then copy the addy from address bar, it displays the image, thereby bypassing the disable hotlinking function.
EDIT: The browser address will be the actual image--that's the way browsers work. If someone knows that link they do not even need to get it from Zenphoto, just enter it directly. Only way to prevent that is an external album folder.
Thanks again