Full Size Link - errors?

Ok, so I'm having an issue. I recently upgraded from 1.2.6 release to the svn (1.2.6 [4504]). Performed the setup.php for the upgrade of the database like it says and almost everything is working flawlessly. I did however notice one issue. The full image link, if set to protected, just returns to the index page, it doesn't produce the image.

If I set it to unprotected or download, it processes fine. I've tried clearing caches, and using protected with cache full image both checked and un-checked.

Did some perusing through the forums and not seeing anyone else posting about the issue. I think I've exhausted about every option, barring a complete fresh install of the gallery.

Any suggestions besides fresh install? I'd like to keep the tags/descriptions I have, though if I must try a fresh install I will.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What theme please?
  • Install the nightly. If I remember correctly there was a bug in the protected image handling.
  • Alright, I'll grab a newer version of the nightly, and it happens in all themes, currently I'm using a modified one based off the example theme.
  • Alright, I've updated to the latest nightly and still get the error. I am now currently running version 1.2.6 [4518] (the 10-7-2009 nightly) and have the same problem. If protected mode is enabled and I click for a full-size view, it returns me to the index page. If I set it to unprotected, or download options, the image is produced properly. If I set it to no-access, it returns me to the image page.

    It happens on all themes I've tried, my theme, example theme, default theme.
  • Is this just for the no-access case? That is the only case I can reproduce. There is an error in all the standard themes. They are not cheking to see if there is a link before creating the HREF. So they create an empty link which takes you to the index page.

    This will be fixed in the nightly tonight.
  • No, it happens when I choose Protected View as well. Could it be that protected view without using a watermark etc is my problem?
  • No, you should get a link to the full image script with any protected selection except the no-access. The watermarking is done later on. Any CGI errors?
  • No errors that I can see anywhere in any logs or anything. Installing a fresh copy in case something just hosed up during my upgrade. Will update once it's done.
  • Ok, just did a completely fresh install with a fresh database and everything. Uploaded 3 pictures to a test album and get the same results. http://www.michealmalone.com/zentest/ for linkage.
  • Aha! It IS what I thought, using protected view without any watermarking etc was causing the issue. The moment I turned watermarking on, the fullsize images generated properly..

    This does pose a slight problem/bug though. My whole intent for the protected viewing was to avoid hotlinking. I suppose I could just create a fully transparent watermark to get around the issue, but the problem itself is still there.
  • Can you put the test site back to no watermark so I can take a look? I can't reproduce it here. I did fix a bug along with the no-access stuff, but that bug caused CGI errors.
  • Alright, swapped it back to no watermark. Also created an admin login for back-end:

    U: tester
    P: tester21!!
  • The link looks correct, so I am guessing you ran into the problem I mentioned. Should have been some error messages, though. Give the nightly a try.
  • Alright, will wait for the 10-8 nightly then and give it a go after it's up. Thanks for looking into it.
  • Whatever you changed appears to have fixed the issue :) Thanks to the zenphoto team looking into this. :)

    I did have a question though after this. If I set protected view and check "disable hotlinking" then click the view full size image... it shows the image, but it shows the full URL direct to the image. Shouldn't it be showing the protected image url? And since it's not, the protected/disable hot-linking really isn't functioning as intended.

    If I link the "view image" link it'll break, but if I click the view image link, then copy the addy from address bar, it displays the image, thereby bypassing the disable hotlinking function.
  • Yes, it should be the full image url. Probably an oversite. I will look into it.

    EDIT: The browser address will be the actual image--that's the way browsers work. If someone knows that link they do not even need to get it from Zenphoto, just enter it directly. Only way to prevent that is an external album folder.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Real hotlinking prevention is possible via `.htaccess`. Here is a tool that generates code that needs to be added to our htaccess file:
  • Yeah, I had hoped to avoid the actual .htaccess changes. I noticed though that in some of the showcase links the image url is the coded one and not the direct link to the album folder. Just wondering if I had modified something that had screwed it up.

    Thanks again
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