Cannot use 9 albums per page

I am using the Default theme and whenever I set the number of albums per page to 9 it displays 10. Does anyone else see this issue? I can set it at 8 and 10 and it displays the proper number of albums.

I am using version 1.2.6, although I've had this problem with earlier versions also.



  • Did you happen to check the troubleshooting guide?
  • No I didn't see the guide. Thank you.

    After looking through it, I think its the requirement of making them an even multiple of rows. I'm trying to make 3 rows of 3 thumbs each.

    Curious to know whats the reason behind the even number of rows?

  • Nevermind, after reading it again and again. I'm an idiot. I think it's assuming I have 2 columns (theme default) where I actually have 3. I made that change so long ago I didn't remember doing it.

    I think I just have to tell the theme I have 3 columns. You know where that is off hand?

  • Check the documentation for the normalize columns function
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