Feature Request - Meta Titles and Descriptions on Albums and Images



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I see it on iamge desc, too. Probably this is a leftover if not using TinyMCe then the unix line breaks `\n` are converted. That should not happen with TinyMCE.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok, hope you can find a workaround / fix : - )
  • boo Member
    I'm not sure how we left this, are you going to have a look at it ?

    We could use a container paragraph and only use line breaks, but Lis does use justification a lot, we really would appreciate to able to use paragraphs freely.

    I would be happy to try and install the latest tinymce version on my test machine, if it is fairly straightforward to see if that fixes it.

    Many thanks,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is actually related to the `printEditable` function that enables on the go inline editing and not to TinyMCE itself. We have it on our list.

    Meanwhile it should help to disable this inline editing capability. Set calls like `printImageDesc(true)` to `false`.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok we'll wait until you've fixed it and then upgrade to 1.2.6 at the same time.

    Thanks again for all your help : - )
  • Probably should create a ticket. I know that I had forgotten about this. The fix, of course, will not be in 1.2.6, it will be in the nightly builds and then the 1.2.7 release when that happens.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok I have created a ticket for it.


    Ok, well I always do a fair amount of testing on my test machne when installing new versions and whenever there has been a problem you have always fixed the problem straight away so I think using a nightly build on this occasion should be fine.

    Many thanks,
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok have installed last night's nightly build on my test machine.

    I'm getting "Zenphoto found no theme scripts. Please check the themes folder of your installation" with Lis's theme.

    Your themes load ok, can you please tell me what you have changes you have recently made to the themes.

    Have created a theme_description.php but I do not have a themeoptions.php

    Many thanks,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We did not change anything regarding themes. Be sure that you did not overwrote the theme accidentally! That message should only appear if a formerly selected theme is not available anymore.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok fixed the problem with the theme not loading, It was because there was no themeoptions.php. I've create a blank one (see below) now and all seems fine.

    Here is the themeoptions.php code i've used, php is way above my head but seems to be working ok and no errors on the theme options page.


    /* Plug-in for theme option handling
    * The Admin Options page tests for the presence of this file in a theme folder
    * If it is present it is linked to with a require_once call.
    * If it is not present, no theme options are displayed.

    class ThemeOptions {

    function ThemeOptions() {

    function getOptionsSupported() {

    function handleOption($option, $currentValue) {
    if ($option == 'Theme_colors') {
    $theme = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
    $themeroot = SERVERPATH . "/themes/$theme/styles";
    echo '<select id="themeselect" name="' . $option . '"' . ">\n";
    generateListFromFiles($currentValue, $themeroot , '.css');
    echo "\n";
    Can you please let me know if I should change it..


    Yes paragraphs are now working fine, thank you very much!

    Will do some general testing and if all goes well upgrade Lis's site to this

    Thankyou again : - )
  • boo Member
    Hi, please see above post.

    Ok, have changed themeoptions.php to:


    /* Plug-in for theme option handling
    * The Admin Options page tests for the presence of this file in a theme folder
    * If it is present it is linked to with a require_once call.
    * If it is not present, no theme options are displayed.

    class ThemeOptions {

    function ThemeOptions() {

    function getOptionsSupported() {

    function handleOption($option, $currentValue) {

    Seems happy.

  • We should not be insisting on a themeoptions script. This will be fixed in tonight's build.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok.

    Have found an issue with copy image, I get:

    Zenphoto Error
    MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zp_images` (`albumid`, `filename`, `title`, `desc`, `location`, `city`, `state`, `country`, `credit`, `copyright`, `commentson`, `show`, `date`, `sort_order`, `height`, `width`, `thumbX`, `thumbY`, `thumbW`, `thumbH`, `mtime`, `hitcounter`, `total_value`, `total_votes`, `used_ips`, `EXIFOrientation`, `EXIFMake`, `EXIFModel`, `EXIFExposureTime`, `EXIFFNumber`, `EXIFFocalLength`, `EXIFFocalLength35mm`, `EXIFISOSpeedRatings`, `EXIFDateTimeOriginal`, `EXIFExposureBiasValue`, `EXIFMeteringMode`, `EXIFFlash`, `EXIFImageWidth`, `EXIFImageHeight`, `EXIFContrast`, `EXIFSharpness`, `EXIFSaturation`, `EXIFWhiteBalance`, `EXIFSubjectDistance`, `EXIFGPSLatitude`, `EXIFGPSLatitudeRef`, `EXIFGPSLongitude`, `EXIFGPSLongitudeRef`, `EXIFGPSAltitude`, `EXIFGPSAltitudeRef`, `custom_data`, `rating`, `rating_status`, `EXIFDescription`, `EXIFArtist`, `EXIFCopyright`, `IPTCImageCaption`, `IPTCImageCaptionWriter`, `EXIFDateTime`, `EXIFDateTimeDigitized`, `IPTCDateCreated`, `IPTCTimeCreated`, `IPTCDigitizeDate`, `IPTCDigitizeTime`, `IPTCImageCredit`, `IPTCByLine`, `IPTCByLineTitle`, `IPTCSource`, `IPTCContact`, `IPTCCopyright`, `EXIFFocalLengthIn35mmFilm`, `IPTCCity`, `IPTCSubLocation`, `IPTCState`, `IPTCLocationCode`, `IPTCLocationName`, `IPTCImageHeadline`, `IPTCOriginatingProgram`, `IPTCProgramVersion`, `Location`, `City`, `State`) VALUES ('14', 'toward-salcombe-hill-sidmouth.jpg', 'View from Connaught Gardens', 'This view is looking towards the town and Salcombe Hill from Connaught Gardens.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', '1', '2009-08-28 17:30:00', '4', '500', '750', '107', '0', '482', '482', '1251477000', '41', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'A Photo of Sidmouth viewed from Connaught Gardens - Lis Elwell\'s Photo Gallery', '0', '3', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); ) failed. Error: Column 'state' specified twice


    Also a very minor bug, when changing image order the top save button doesn't work, bottom button does.


    When creating a new album, the created album folder name is case sensitive, personally I would prefer the folder name to be forced as lower case, but then that is my preference and is not really a problem.

  • When creating a new album, the created album folder name is case sensitive, personally I would prefer the folder name to be forced as lower case, but then that is my preference and is not really a problem.
    Welcome to the world of Unix identifiers. Case matters (unfortunately).

    I have reproduced the SQL error above. Once I figure out what is causing it I will get a fix up.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    And I have already fixed the save button.
  • Regarding the SQL error. Unfortunately it seems that an error in one of the SVN updates caused the image table country, location, state, and credig fields to be set with capital first letters. MySQL is not case sensitive (Yeah!) but unfortunately, PHP is.

    The simplest fix is to drop your images table and re-run setup. Most likely, doing an zenphoto backup first will preserve your data, but no guarantees. You can also try renaming these fields. (Yes, I know they appear to be in lowercase in phpMyAdmin.)
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok I have a backup from June 1.2.5 version which is also the current live site version.

    Will upgrade my test machine from the above version and re-test.


    Regarding case, would also be good to force lower case on image filenames as well.

    Had a problem when using online sitemap generator tools, they ignored case and created all the urls in lowercase which of course were then incorrect. So I'm now using GSiteCrawler which has an option for unix case sensitive urls.

    I recently renamed all of Lis's image filenames to lowercase for consistency as well as to make it clear to search engines what the image was. ie: jockey-paul-hanagan.jpg,

    It's not a really big issue but we do like to be consistent.

    Thanks for your great support,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We probably could do that but that would of course only be used if not uploading via ftp.
  • boo Member
    Hi, yes, good point.

  • boo Member
    Hi, ok have tried dropping albums and image tables and ran setup.

    Then created 2 test albums and uploaded 2 images to 1 of the test albums
    and then tried copying 1 of the images to the other test album
    but unfortunately I get same error message.

    Also my test machine was set to use an iso... and not utf-8 in php5
    which I have now changed to utf-8 as well as the database collation
    in phpmyadmnin.

    Do I need to do anything to convert all the data in tables / fields to utf8 ?

  • You need to be sure you are running the current nightly build.
  • Tonight's build will include an option to the `filter-zenphoto_seo` filer to use lowercase characters only.
  • boo Member
    Hi, ok brilliant, thanks for the lower case option, greatly appreciated.

    I'll download tommorrow, Wednesday night build and retest.

  • boo Member
    Hi, please see above message.

    Ok, have installed last night's build and copy problem is fixed and lower case works great, thankyou!

    I'll do some more general testing today.

  • boo Member
    Hi, ok have upgraded Lis's live site and all is well.

    Thankyou chaps for your help and support, top job : - )

  • boo Member
    Hi, just in case my english dialect is not understandable with my above message..

    As always your help and support is fantastic.

    It really is appreciated : - ))
  • boo Member
    Hi, have been thinking today, if you look at Lis's gallery index page, the album titles all contain the word "photos" which at the time I thought would be a good move for search engines, but I think now we have tried that now with little success.

    It is quite likely that the engines will give the page a lower score for over use of the word "photos"

    However, it works for the meta titles for example:
    Bird Photos
    Photos of Plants and Flowers

    If we now change the album titles to:
    Plants and Flowers

    We will lose the photos word from the title tag, we could hard code it in to the tag after the title but we then lose some flexibilty and Lis has albums that do not require the word "photos" and some that work better if the word "photos" in front ie:

    Designer Art Images
    Photos of Plants and Flowers

    Having typed this out I'm wondering if I'm being too fussy, she could drop the "Acknowledgments" album and insert the word "Photos" the end of the title which would not be so bad.... hmmm

    I think there may be a good case to have an optional "Meta Page Title" field on Albums and Images as well as the "Meta Page Description" for which we are currently using the "Custom Data Field".

    Hmm, then again maybe the best approach is if we use:

    Birds | Lis Elwell's Photo Gallery
    Plants and Flowers | Lis Elwell's Photo Gallery

    But then on the album page we lose out for the keyword "photos" on the page but you can't have everything... and nothing is perfect.

    Ok, also we have to take into account the extra admin work to maintain the "Page Meta Title" field if we had one - or "Custom Data Fields" using filters.


    May I ask your opinion please guys, I really do want to get Lis as many visitors as is possible.

    Many thanks,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    First, I/we are no SEO experts. You might want to ask something like that in a SEO forum.

    Generally I think that you can "overoptimise" a site for search engines. This can lead to texts that are SEO optimised with loads of keywords but hardly readably be real humans. But for whom is the site actually? Right, humans.

    As important it is to be found on Google & Co I think that still most visitors surely come by sort of recommendation. Unless you offer something really specific "of use" to people like a script or information about something is is really hard to find anything by simple searching by accident. There are already loads of photography sites out there so it will be really hard to stand out from those. Photos from landscapes or such are not that specifically at all to be found without also looking for the photographer's name.

    Some users might have more things to say of that.
  • boo Member
    Hi, yes good points.

    Yes, fairly unique content on not over popular subjects and getting links from other sites / popularity.

    I'm determined to get there, without using any "tricks", I think that's the best advice - design for visitors not search engines.

    and in our case, keep it as simple as possible and let Lis focus on her content.

    Thankyou for your imput : - )
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