Is there a way to skip the album page?
I want the user to be able to click on the album icon in the gallery page and go directly to the first image of that album. Is this possible?
I looked at the template-functions but I can't figure out how to pull out the `
` and `
` values seperately within the `next_album` and `next_image` loops respectively.
Any suggestions?
In index.php, you'll have something like...
`while (next_album()):
[[ code from album.php to display image thumbnail and link goes here ]]
while(next_image()) { } // A hack to skip the rest of the images....
You can basically put the functions on whatever page you want, they really don't care.
the `while(next_image()) { }` is unfortunately necessary for now because I haven't planned for the situation where you'd only do a partial loop... I might add some better way in the future, but that should work for now.
`<?php while (next_album()): ?>`
`<?php next_image(); ?>`
`" title="<?=getImageTitle();?>">`
`<?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?>`
```<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>`
`<?php while(next_image()) { } ?>`
`<?php endwhile; ?>`
Worked like a charm, you are really ontop of this stuff. I've used Wordpress and Folderblog, and this has been by far the easiest application to use and the best support I've seen.
Call to a member function getSubalbums() on a non-object in /home/thomas/public_html/jfiege/photography/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 298
That method worked great. Should have checked that before posting here....:)