Stop 'home' showing in printPageMenu


Quick question - I've been scouring functions guide but can't work out the following:

Using Zenpages I have one of my pages, unpublished and titled 'home' which I've selected for my homepage in Zenpage options.

I'm using printPageMenu to create my nav bar - how would I prevent the unpublished 'home' page link appearing to a logged in user in the navigation?

Many thanks,


  • I don't believe there is any provided way of removing the link. It's actually intended functionality for those users with the correct rights to see unpublished links. I believe this ability is determined by the "View all" right; the effect you're trying to get might be achieved by removing this right from your users if they have it.

    If this doesn't solve your problem and you really want to remove that link, I believe you'll need to make your own function to do this.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Exactly the not logged in user will not see it.

    @kagutsuchi: I/we appreciate your recent help on the forum. One concern regarding your site: I just visited your website and you "advertise" an Arch Linux Gallery which is actually plain Zenphoto. We would really like to see our credit and backlink on that site (at least in the footer). Thanks.
  • Hello,

    Many thanks for the info, the links in question are the main nav so I can hard code them for the time being and return with a better solution at a later date.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    In case it helps only users with admin, Zenpage and view all rights should see unpublished pages.
  • @acrylian: Certainly; I've added it. :)
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