Hi, is it possible to setup RANDOM SLIDESHOW which would play loop of all gallery images (or alternatively of selected galleries or even top rated pictures etc..)?
You could setup a dynamic album to include everything and slideshow from that. I haven't worked with the slideshow though too much myself so there may be a better way.
Slideshow of all images: Not possible currently but on the list for some time. michaell's idea should actually work.
top rated images etc: Not possible currently. But will put it on the list for some time later.
Selected galleries: Well, you mean actually "albums". This is possible with one album at the time. See the documentation. You can even set a start image of that album specifially. That could also be randomly if you pass an image object generated by `getRandomImageAlbum()`.
Besides this the slidesshow uses the jQuery Cycle plugin you can of course make your one slideshow with.
The more I think about it, the dynamic albums would handle pretty much every aspect of this that you wanted. Just do a dynamic album based on the criteria you want to meet, then have the slideshow link from there.
@michaell: Except top rated image and such. Btw, in case you didn't know it is now even possible to call the slidesshow anywhere directly by passing the album object directly.
Hmmm, I'll have to look at setting up the slideshow properly then. The one reason I didn't use it much was that I didn't like having to navigate to the albums to create the slideshow.
I wonder, can the slideshow run an album that's unpublished?
Right, before I thought of the idea of using dynamics though earlier in the thread (I hadn't thought of the slideshow much honestly). However, if you are able to pass the album object to the slideshow directly, you could then just have a direct link to slideshow for a random dynamic album or full album.
Now if only I can figure out an easy way to tag all photos in an album at once.. lol
Slideshow does not show unpublished items by design. Not exactly true, if you use the method to call an album with the slideshow directly (not from within an album) it does play unpublished albums, too.
How ever I just discovered a bug with that as calling the slideshow directly on index.php disables the next_album loop for some reason...
top rated images etc: Not possible currently. But will put it on the list for some time later.
Selected galleries: Well, you mean actually "albums". This is possible with one album at the time. See the documentation. You can even set a start image of that album specifially. That could also be randomly if you pass an image object generated by `getRandomImageAlbum()`.
Besides this the slidesshow uses the jQuery Cycle plugin you can of course make your one slideshow with.
I wonder, can the slideshow run an album that's unpublished?
Slideshow does not show unpublished items by design.
Now if only I can figure out an easy way to tag all photos in an album at once.. lol
Not exactly true, if you use the method to call an album with the slideshow directly (not from within an album) it does play unpublished albums, too.
How ever I just discovered a bug with that as calling the slideshow directly on index.php disables the next_album loop for some reason...
EDIT: Will be fixed in tonight's nightly.