Can printLatestImages() use updated thumbnails?

I started changing the thumbnail cropping on many of the photos in my gallery. I noticed, however, that the output from printLatestImages(), etc, displays the original thumbnail and not the updated one. Is if possible for printLatestImages() to display the updated thumbnail?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, those functions you there own way to crop thumbs. You will need to make your own version of the plugin.
  • OK, thanks. I tried using some of the code from the printImageThumb() function in template-functions.php, but couldn't get it to work. If anyone is able to successfully modify the image_album_statistics.php plugin, please post it here.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to use the class methods as the statistic functions are not in the right context to use these specific template functions. Also you probably have to get the thumbnail values from the database.

    I will put it on the list but of course no guarantee when we will do it.
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