How can I get complete list of albums and sub-albums?

Hi all,

I would like to know, how I could get the full list of albums and sub-albums in unordered list format. It will be great if unordered list prints in nested form like following example:
|--Folder 1
|--Folder 2
| |--Sub-Folder 1
| |--Sub-Folder 2
|--Folder 3

Any help regarding that query will be highly appreciated.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The print_album_menu plugin can do this.
  • Thanks acrylian, I am going to test that option.
  • I have activated print_album_menu in ZENphoto’s plug-in page. Now I am wondering how to implement it on page. I am modifying already designed theme by someone else and have removed a lot of chunk out of it. Therefore, maybe I cannot see any change after activation of plug-in. Can you give me an example how to fetch that list in any page?
  • I have used <?php print printalbummenu(); ?> to get album list, it also brings some unwanted error along with requested result.

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for printAlbumMenu(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\urbanmaze\portfolio\themes\stopdesign\album.php on line 18 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\urbanmaze\portfolio\zp-core\plugins\print_album_menu.php on line 40
    • Architecture
    o Landscapes
    • Characters
    • Landscapes
    • Nature
    • Scenes
    • Windows

    How can I get rid of it? In addition, is it possible to get thumbnails along with menu list?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You forgot to set a parameter. Please refer to the documentation of the plugin.

    No, If you want thumbs you have to customize it.
  • I am going to read documentation and will post results for benefit of other users.
  • Hi I am trying to insert menu to my index page also.
    I am using this code:

    <?php printAlbumMenuList("list-sub","showsubs=0"); ?>

    Why I do not see subalbums ?
    Please write me exactly what I have to change. Your documentation is hard to understand for me I am do not know php.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is why we also have a guide to the documentation on our user guide.
    Generally, you should learn at least php basics if you are trying to modify a theme.

    In short:
    First, the second parameter is not set correctly.
    Second, $showsubs is the 8th parameter. That means that you have to set the six between the 1st and the 8th, too.
  • Thanks for help but I still have the problem. I think this guide needs examples. I would like to see raw code on this guide. That would be easier to learn. My code for now is:

    `<?php printAlbumMenu("list","count","css_id=''","css_class_topactive = ''","css_class = ''","css_class_active = ''","indexname = Galleriiia","showsubs = true"); ?>`

    and does not working w subalbums :(
    My Zenphoto is 1.26
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You really should read the instructions carefully... `"indexname=Galleriiia"` sets the indexname to "indexname=Galleriiia" instead of "Galleriiia".
  • Ok I think I know how to do it:

    `<?php printAlbumMenu("list",null,null,null,null,null,null,true); ?>`

    Thanks Acrylian
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