Don´t post comment in ZenPhoto


Excuseme for my English, please!

Around 1 month later, I had a few problems with zenphoto. It changes my custom's color in my themes "thatlittleguy green" and the language. But now, I don´t comment a photo. In name, email and site says: " <b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: stored in <b>/var/www/vhost/</b> on line <b>91</b>

Help, please!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, that theme is not officially supported (but maybe someone else will help). It has bot been updated by its author since 2007.

    The notice is because comment handling changed in newer Zenphoto versions. Please see our theming tutorial how to setup the comments section correctly.
  • But this theme is worked very well!! I reemplace the theme, delete and install again but it don´t work. I use other theme.

    Thank you! Bye!
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