In my theme I am using printCustomSizedImage to be sure the thumbs and full images are exactly as I want them to be (besides from what is stated in the zp_config file).
I am also using the previous and next thumb in my navigation. Is there a way to get custom sized thumbs with the functions getPrevImageThumb and getNextImageThumb? (Without changing the core functions of course.) Because those functions are still getting their size form the zp_config file.
Say for example, in your design (most likely album.php) you want the main picture in the middle of the page, then a thumbnail of the previous image to the left of the main picture and a preview of the next image to the right of the main picutre.
What you can do is have people set
to three (the preview on the left, the middle picture, and the preview on the right).
Then inside your image while loop you can just have a conditional statement that says that if it's the middle image, use a getCustomImageURL() with a larger size.