How Can I Not Lose the Horizontal Neatness of Album Display?

So I'm working to modify the Highslide theme so that I can use it for a friend's photo gallery page and CMS. But here's where I hit a snag:

My friend's site already has a template base for all its pages to have a consistent look and feel.

What I initially tried doing was opening up album.php (I started with album because I wanted that to look right since it's where the Highslide window function occurs and so if I got that nailed, the main Gallery page was that much easier).

I then opened up the basic HTML page template that I had for the regular pages of the site (these were done using Dreamweaver's template tools, but I simply edited out the template hard-coding when I created this new HTML page).

Then, I systematically copied over the relevant PHP codes into the blank HTML page, and erased out those bits I didn't need/want (i.e. changing the title code from the PHP variable field to the actual site name, etc.). When all was said and done and I saw what appeared to be a complete and tidy page layout, I saved this new file as album.php, overriding the old one.

Here's the problem:

Doing it this way, I get the page to look almost perfectly the way I want it. I get the thumbnails, I get the Highslide window-popup action, and it all looks like every other page in the site, including working sidebar navigation table, etc.

BUT...the thumbnails which in the original Highslide Zenphoto theme are neatly arrayed along a horizontal line now suddenly only appear as one long vertical strip down the page. Everything looks and works fine except for this aspect.

I've tried to find where the arrangement of the thumbnails in an album page is organized, but so far have not been versed deeply enough in this stuff to readily identify the issue.

Does anyone have any familiarity with what I'm talking about? It's not unique necessarily to the Highslide theme--when I tried to do this by going even more 'back to basics' by using a copy of the ZP default theme, no special javascript involved, copying over the PHP elements into my current page design still results in a broken display of thumbnails all as a long single vertical strip.

I would ideally like to have the photos populate in a neat and tidy horizontal strip and then continue into another row after about 4 thumbnails (so if 8 photos, two rows of four, if you get me).

Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


  • My bet is that you removed part of the header you needed though without a link to the site to take a look at theme code can't be sure. At the top of the album.php there should be these lines (or something similar, can't recall if I changed my actual #'s)

    if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
    $themeResult = getTheme($zenCSS, $themeColor, 'light');
    $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');

    $firstPageImages = normalizeColumns('2', '6');

    Make sure you have that in your phpheader as that's the part that as it says normalizes your columns to the right amount of thumbs per line etc. I'm fairly positive I changed mine and I don't have a clean copy of highslide theme around, but if you copy the header from a base highslide theme you should probably fix your issue.
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