I've just encountered a strange problem in a ZenPhoto site I'm working on - the printRSSHeaderLink() and printRSSLink() functions seem to have spontaneously stopped working. There are no longer any gallery RSS links in the sidebar, nor is there the one in the head section of the page that there should be.
In both cases, nothing is being generated by those functions at all. In the head section of each page, where the RSS link should be there's just a blank line, and in the sidebar, I have the RSS menu header, a set of li tags where each menu item should be, but the only ones that actually have a link are the ones using the printZenpageRSSLink() function instead.
They were working previously, and unfortunately I'm not sure exactly at what point they stopped. To the best of my knowledge, I haven't made any changes that should affect them. I've made a bunch of cosmetic changes to the theme (Zenpage Default), mostly using just CSS, and I've changed the order of some of the sidebar items, but I haven't done anything RSS related, or anything to the area of the sidebar that the RSS links appear in.
Does anyone have any idea why either of those functions would fail? I checked the function documentation, but it didn't give anything more than the basics.
Both the functions that are failing appear to be being given the correct parameters - I've changed nothing about either one. The header one is:
`<?php printRSSHeaderLink('Album',getAlbumTitle()); ?>`
And the ones in the sidebar are:
<?php if(!is_null($_zp_current_album)) { ?>
<?php printRSSLink('Album', '', gettext('This Album Only'), ''); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php printRSSLink('Gallery','','All Gallery Images', ''); ?>
I am getting a set of empty li tags where each of those links should be, so it's correctly detecting if $_zp_current_album exists and adding an extra link item if it does, but the printRSSLink function is outputting nothing.
I tried switching from single quotes to double, since I noticed that the printZenpageRSSLink lines, which do work, used double quotes, but it didn't make any difference.
I tried to check the server error log to see if any PHP errors had been recorded, but it was unhelpfully blank.
The feeds themselves show up fine, by the way, if I go directly to their URLs (I had added static HTML links to them on the site's splash page).
Any advice on what sort of conditions might cause those functions to fail would be most appreciated!
The site is running ZenPhoto 1.2.6, with, as I said, a somewhat modified version of the Zenpage Default theme. It's at
http://www.thepoeticlens.ca/photos/ in case seeing it would help.
Is there any way to delete a post on this forum? I can't really see this one being terribly useful to anyone else...