ZenTwitter as a kind of thanks..

Haven't been here a while but last week I updated my site, finally got rid of wordpress and all the dirty code I used to integrate both and I am so happy that I am now running only on ZenPhoto!!
You did so much good work!!

I wrote a basic litte script to integrate both twitter and twitpic feeds on a zenpage as you can see here: http://www.bertsimons.nl/zenphoto/index.php?p=pages&title=twits

maybe someone can use that..

the script is here:



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Welcome back and thanks for skipping Wordpress, too...;-)

    Zentwitter is welcome. But may I suggest (request...;-)) that you make a "real" Zenphoto plugin out of this? I have not looked at the code in detail but it should not be that hard to do and you could have options instead of requiring to modify files.
  • :-) actually..I was just looking at some old post´s I did a year ago and could nor see anything but ancient hyroglyphs in which was once something I wrote and understood..
    but Iĺl give it a try...reading the documentation already...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • Well I got the zentwitter.php functioning properly but haven't managed to get it functioning as zen page. Nifty tool, hope you are able to make a proper plug-in out of it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have not tested that as I have no personal use for Twitter, but if it provides a function you should be able to use that within a Zenpage page codeblock for example (if the theme is setup to use it).
  • what he's done is create a basic php page that fetches the rss feed for twitter without any styling, then calls it in a zenpage codeblock. For some reason though, it's not being called in my codeblock. the page loads, but the codeblock which calls the zentwitter.php page doesn't.

    I'm using the following in my codeblock:
    `<?php include ($_zp_themeroot .'/simplepie/zentwitter.php'); ?>`

    And you can see that php file in action:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If the page is within the theme it actually should work with out the `$_zp_themeroot` variable.
  • yeah, I've put the pages in a subdir in the theme, hence why I'm using the variable since I only plan on using it here. Maybe I should look at creating a custom page with it instead...
  • Ok, I got it working as a custom theme page for those interested:

    I'll see if Bert throws out a full-on plugin in the next couple of weeks and if not I'll see if I can turn it into a plugin instead of just a custom theme page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Looks good and joining forces is a good idea. If you need general help post here, although it should not be that hard I think.
  • Due to a bout of severe insomnia and the fact that www.bertsimons.nl seems to be non-responsive I went ahead and release a plug-in version of it.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, not everyone visits the forums that often as we do..;-) His site seems indeed to be down currently. I am sure he will respond later as he is a long time user of ZP.
  • Yeah, I forget that people have lives (unlike me, lol).
  • Already thanked Micheall in the other thread but once again here!

    back from woodworking and doing some zenphoto things again and just added some code to provide a Twit This button on my image pages. Using bit.ly to keep some space for writing a message along the link.

    maybe of some use..

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