I put: <?php printAllTagsAs("cloud", "", "abc", FALSE, TRUE, 2, 50, 10, NULL); ?> in a few different places in my templates, but no tags display. I have tags on a bunch of my test pictures, and even redundant tags. I'm sure it a rookie mistake, exasperating nonetheless. I am trying to make a site with one Album and depending on keywords (and especially a Tag Cloud) to build dynamic Search Albums rather than categorizing. Did I miss a setting in Admin? Help!
Odd though it's coming up as a bulleted list instead of a cloud. Make sure you're paying attention to the last variable, if your tags aren't used at least 10 times with your code they won't sup up in the cloud.
Edit: Ok, fixed the bulleted issue. You have to wrap it in a <div id="tag_cloud"></div> for it to list right. Without that no matter what you set the first variable to it doesn't change. So my line of code is:
<div id="tag_cloud"><?php printAllTagsAs("cloud", NULL, NULL, false, TRUE, 2, 24, 2, NULL); ?></div>