No Upload button without "Manage all album" permission.

attempting to upload new images to a managed album, the Upload button doesn't appear if the user hasn't the "Manage all album" permission (...obviously he has not!).
Firefox's Error Console tells me this error: document.getElementById(a(this).attr("id") + "Uploader").updateSettings is not a function.

I have found this topic which has a question similar to mine, but I haven't understood the tip about comment in admin-upload.php file.




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try the nightly build.
  • At this moment I'm using ZenPhoto in production... I can try the nightly build only in my test server: I'll do it.
    However, do you know this problem? In the nightly build there are changes about upload button?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That's why I recommend to try the nightly...;-)
  • I supposed, of course, but your answer was so terse ;-) I was trying to know some details...

    Thanks, anyhow
  • I was the creator of the thread you linked to and your error looks the same as the one I was getting. This problem should be fixed in the nightly builds (it is for me, anyway). There were changes in the uploading process concerning the Uploadify script that was causing problems.
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