Pop-up plugin

Has anybody seen the lightbox plugin for WordPress? Its pretty sweet. Here's a working implimentation (a really great photoblog site as well):

It would be great to get a plugin like that for ZP!

Here's a link to the WordPress plugin:


  • Roger-

    A number of people have already implemented Lightbox within Zenphoto themes, notably Chilifrei.

    Another side too of Lightbox is just the plain old windowing as seen here in my implementation:

    (Click on EXIF Data).
  • Sorry, got excited, I haven't been around for awhile. Is there a post somewhere about how to intergrate the javascript?

    I was looking at you source, what's going on there, you call the javascript and the everything wrapped by a certain div is displayed?

  • that is basically how it works. For like say lightbox pictures.. you just need rel="lightbox" in your image tag and if you wanted a popup type window to show html content. you just call the effect in a javascript link and pass the div you are looking to display. Really quite easy.. mess around with it a bit.. I am sure you will get it
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