I have a new install of Zen Photo, and have imported several images. currently no gallery is showing a thumbnail, however inside the galleries the pictures do show thumbnails. when i view the broken images i get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function hasdyanmicalbumsuffix() in /##########################/www/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 333
the # cover some of my server info... The current state of the page can be found at
http://www.domesticlabs.com/any idea what i should be looking for/at?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare ismyalbum() (previously declared in #######/www/zp-core/functions.php:1140) in #######/www/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 1130
looking at the two files it is correct... there is the EXACT same def, one starting on functions.php Line 1140
functions-basic.php Line 1099
i have commented out the function in functions.php to reveal a function undefined hasDynamicAlbumSuffic.... this is because the wrong spelling is used several times in the project.... just getting my feet wet here, and I promise to learn how to submit but for the time being here are the lines that show up with the mis-spelling
Line 22 : if (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($folder)) { return; }
Line 53 : if (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($folder8)) {
Line 58 : $valid = file_exists($localpath) && (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($localpath) || is_dir($localpath));
Line 67 : if (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($folder8)) {
Line 1228 : if ($dirs && (is_dir($albumdir.$file) && (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') || hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($file))) {
Line 159 : hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($dirname)) {
Line 341 : $valid = file_exists($albumpath = $albumfolder.internalToFilesystem($row['folder'])) && (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($albumpath) || is_dir($albumpath));
Line 1230 : if (hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($albumname)) $albumname = substr($albumname, 0, -4); // strip off the .alb as it will not be reflected in the search path
Line 1310 : function hasDyanmicAlbumSuffix($path) {
Sorry not to feel comfortable with the contribute tool yet, I am just trying to get my site up and running, then ill learn how to be a good citizen.
the default download should probably be rolled back until a more tested version comes out...
I don't mean to sound unthankful, this is a great program, that I have used in the past on other projects. I just worry that it will loose users, and in the longterm that is a huge problem.
Just FYI, the problem you have encountered has been in Zenphoto for many releases. No one has run into it prior to these recent posts. Like most software, there are latent problems in Zenphoto. If you wish us to be semantically correct on our WEB site we will have to change that "stable" to "might be more stable than the development stream".
You have a choice to live with any problems you encounter or following the procedures whereby fixes are applied.
However, it should be noted that these changes will not be available until the nightly build is rebuilt. These changes will be included in the next nightly which should be built later tonight. If you urgently need these fixes, however, you can use the nightly build from 10/30 and manually apply the latest patches from SVN (though it will take a bit of manual work to do so).