Can the home page of the gallery only have a log in form?

Since various clients will be accessing the site we don't want them seeing who else is there. Is it possible to set the main page of the site up so that none of the album info is up there, just a log in section which when they enter their name and password takes them directly to their album.

Very new to zenphoto and still learning the ropes.

Thanks in advance!


  • Probably the best way to provide a redirecting login would be via this hack:

    If you wish to hide the album info, you can simply unpublish the content you don't want seen. If content is unpublished, then only the people who are logged in and have rights to the content will be able to see it.

    If you would prefer to remove the album info entirely, you will most likely need to modify your site's theme.
  • Unpublishing would work for me but how do they log in to the site? There does not seem to be a default log in page. Which would be a great option to have.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The login page can be reached with `//admin` if you are using modrewrite.

    You can simply place a link to that on your theme or you can alternatively use the `user_login-out` plugin. Depending on the theme used you perhaps have to add the function to your theme yourself (see the documentation of the plugin).
  • OK I tried using that as a link but that takes me to the admin section. I want to have the main page of the zenphoto gallery to have a login form so no images can be seen until the client logs in and then they only have access to their pictures.

    I have set the logout plug in up.
  • I am trying to get the log in page that comes up when you try to view a password protected album as the default home page for the zenphoto site. So when the client logs in with their unique log in they get only their photos showing up. Thanks for your patience!
  • If you want only a login, you can simply password protect the entire gallery by setting the gallery password. Then visitors to your site will see a login directly when they visit your site and they can login from there. The option to set this is under the tabs `Options` --> `Gallery`.

    For the other part, as I said before you can simply unpublish any content you do not want the general public to see. If something is unpublished, then only users with explicit rights to view the content will be able to view it. You should be able to use this to your advantage to leverage what users can and can't see by giving them rights respectively.
  • You can only give one password for the gallery though yes? Which wouldn't work since we'd be dealing with multiple log ins.

    I know I can do that the problem is when the album is unpublished there is no way to log in to access the album. I need to figure out how to get the login page that comes up when you go to access a password protected album to come up as the default on the home page. What is the file name for the login for password protected albums?
  • If you set the gallery password, it will print a generic password form that accepts any login from a user. A guest account/password is provided for; however, it is not necessary to create a guest login. If you do not want/need a guest login, simply do not specify a guest user and only specify the gallery password.
  • Argh...I set up a gallery password. Which worked fine. BUT I logged out and then tried to log in using the user id and password for one of the password protected albums and it gave me a check user name and password error. This seems like such a basic thing to have. Gallery 2 has it so I assumed Zenphoto did as well.

    I need a simple login page as the home page, with multiple login names and passwords that go to different password protected albums.
  • And it does have it.
  • OK. I'm VERY new to zenphoto but kind of interested in this as well...Is it just me or is there no plugin named 'user_login-out'??? I don't see it in the plugins page.

  • That would, of course, depend on the version of Zenphoto. But I am sure if you look at the plugins tab you can answer that question yourself.
  • Right. So I just recently downloaded 1.2.6. I do not see it on the plugins tab in my version and I didn't see it listed in the plugins listing on the website ( Is it in one of the newer nightly builds or in an upcoming release?
  • Look for "user_logout".
  • Also, make sure you're looking at the topmost Plugins tab and not the plugin tab under options. The latter is for setting options on plugins that you've activated by using the first.
  • OK so I've gotten it all working finally, some themes seem to have been being sketchy with the log in. Now I have a new problem, of the person clicks logout after viewing the site it goes to this page What file do I need to edit to fix this so it goes right to the home page??

  • What home page do you want? This IS the home page for the Zenphoto album.
  • When they click logout it should bring them to this page It is bring them to this page instead I'm go to go look at the log in plug-in file and see if I can just put in the direct path to my gallery homepage...
  • The two pages `index.php` and `index.php?userlog=0` are the same page, the only difference being that one has a variable attached. This should not influence the actual page, however.

    I looked at your site and noticed that `index.php?userlog=0` is returning a 200 OK message (as it should) but is also stating that the document has moved. This is not normal; if the document has moved it should be returning a 3xx status.

    After looking around I found that vBulletin has an option to either send no-cache headers or standard headers. It seems that switching between the two will fix this problem. Perhaps something similar is what is needed here as well.
  • Thanks so much! Now what do I do to fix it?? LOL...
  • I'm not sure myself, actually. Maybe someone else can give some input.
  • LMAO thanks...I may have my bro go take a look. He's a genius with the tech stuff!
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