I'm wondering if it's possible to have the album page pull the tags from all photos in the album and display instead of the album needing tags of it's own. Is there any easy way to accomplish this?
Of course that is possible but you would have to write your own custom function or plugin for this using a db query. See the pdf with the db diagram what to get from which db table.
This is a good candidate for a filter (the new image filter I would guess) That filter would extract the tags from the image and add them to the album.
yeah, my idea behind it is pretty simple. just not sure I personally could implement it. Basically some of my photo-trips I visit a ton of places in the area and take a gazillion photos. What would be nice is the album tags using the photos, cause then they could just click the tag they're interested in from the area and view only those pics
I think that no filter is needed as the tags should not be added to the album actually, but just collected and displayed.
I put this as a plugin on my list, but you will have be to a little patient (just to mention: if you really need it now alternatively you could of course "sponsor" that plugin like another user did with a specific slideshow option by hiring me.)
I'm patient. :P I'd sponsor it but getting ready to move etc right now so my funds are tight. But yeah, that's the basic gist. Just a way to collect tags from the photos in the album and display them, like on the album page, and maybe when hovering over an album thumb or something like that.
No worries, but offhand if I do have some leeway in finances in the upcoming couple of months what kind of sponsorship are we looking at? If you wanna contact me privately about it feel free as well via my email.
I put this as a plugin on my list, but you will have be to a little patient (just to mention: if you really need it now alternatively you could of course "sponsor" that plugin like another user did with a specific slideshow option by hiring me.)