The last 10 Comments


first: sorry for my english. i speak german :-)

i have a problem:

in the admin userface on the right side is a box with "The last 10 Comments"
Now i want to put this box in a other side of my zenphoto gallerie.

The Problem is, i can`t. i saw here a "Tutorial" but i can't the script import in my webpage. maybe i'm to stupide?!?

is anyone here can show me a functioning script?

Thanks. Now i wish you a nice evening.


  • You can use the function `printLatestComments()` to print however many comments you specify. You can read more in the here in the functions documentation:
  • now i found the script in the template-functions.php file.

    when i this script import in my page then i see a white site

    Why? The script is still ok?

    this is "my" script


    * Prints out latest comments for images and albums
    * @param int $number how many comments you want.
    * @param string $shorten the number of characters to shorten the comment display
    * @param string $type "all" for all latest comments of all images and albums
    * "image" for the lastest comments of one specific image
    * "album" for the latest comments of one specific album
    * @param int $itemID the ID of the element to get the comments for if $type != "all"
    function printLatestComments($number='20', $shorten='123',$type="all",$itemID="") {
    if(getOption('mod_rewrite')) {
    $albumpath = "/"; $imagepath = "/"; $modrewritesuffix = getOption('mod_rewrite_image_suffix');
    } else {
    $albumpath = "/index.php?album="; $imagepath = "&image="; $modrewritesuffix = "";
    $comments = getLatestComments($number,$type,$itemID);
    echo "<ul id=\"showlatestcomments\">\n";
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
    if($comment['anon'] === "0") {
    $author = " ".gettext("by")." ".$comment['name'];
    } else {
    $author = "";
    $album = $comment['folder'];
    if($comment['type'] != "albums" AND $comment['type'] != "news" AND $comment['type'] != "pages") { // check if not comments on albums or Zenpage items
    $imagetag = $imagepath.$comment['filename'].$modrewritesuffix;
    } else {
    $imagetag = "";
    $date = $comment['date'];
    $albumtitle = $comment['albumtitle'];
    if ($comment['title'] == "") $title = $image; else $title = get_language_string($comment['title']);
    $website = $comment['website'];
    $shortcomment = truncate_string($comment['comment'], $shorten);
    if(!empty($title)) {
    $title = ": ".$title;
    echo "
    echo "<span class=\"commentbody\">".$shortcomment."</span>
    echo "\n";

  • You don't have to change the function at all or import anything. You just need to make a call to the function where you want the comments to be displayed.
  • ok

    now i imported in the image.php file (themes/default/...) this script

    <?php void printLatestComments( int $number = "10"], [string $shorten = '123'], [string $type = "all"], [int $itemID = ""] ) ?>

    And then my browser saw:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/www/my ordner.../themes/default/image.php on line 87

    what is fals on my idea to import this script?
  • You would want to use it like:

    <?php void printLatestComments( 10, 123, "all", "") ?>
  • Edit: wasn't paying atention, you're actually not going to want the "void" in there either. So you would want:

    <?php printLatestComments( 10, 123, "all", "") ?>
  • You're also missing a semicolon. The correct code is:

    `<?php printLatestComments(10, 123, 'all', ''); ?>`
  • yeah what he put... lol, I had the semicolon in my code, just kept forgetting to add it here. Thanks for catching that kagutsuchi
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